People with chronic diseases will be vaccinated next week.


Photo: Varlei Cordova / AGORA MT


The Municipal Health Department has published a new vaccination program against the Influenza A virus with the arrival of another batch of vaccines in the city. Between May 5 and 7, people with chronic non-communicable diseases, healthcare workers and also truck drivers will receive the doses. As the doses arrive in stages, the municipality had to divide the distribution.

H1N1 flu vaccination application resumes on May 5. On this date, only those with chronic non-communicable diseases, such as asthma and bronchiectasis, cystic fibrosis, heart and lung diseases, will receive the doses. This group must appear on PSF units with a recipe that proves this condition. The units will begin vaccination at 7 am and will continue until all four thousand available doses are exhausted. Seniors who were unable to get vaccinated on the first call will also be able to go to the PSF.

On Wednesday (06) there will be a vaccination of the health professionals who managed to receive the dose in the first call. The request will be made from 8 in the morning at the Otávio Pitaluga Senior State School (Eemop). You must bring a document that proves you are a health professional.
Truck drivers will receive the new shipment of the vaccine on Thursday, May 7, starting at 8 am at a service station located in the parking lot of the Rumo intermodal terminal.

The manager of the Municipal Health Department, Gil Machado, recalls that people who are part of these groups must remember the distance while waiting for the vaccine and the use of a mask. She emphasizes the importance of not missing this new call to receive this vaccine shipment.
