PCP will abstain in the global final vote of OE2021 – Jornal Económico


The Portuguese Communist Party (PCP) will abstain in the final global vote of the State Budgets for 2021 (2021), scheduled for this Thursday 26. After having contributed to the viability of OE2021 in general, through abstention, the PCP it positively values ​​the negotiations in the specialty and the communist “wide range of proposals” that were included in the final text.

“The PCP will abstain in the final global vote, ensuring that the important proposals and solutions with which it is committed and that can have a translation in the lives of workers and people,” said the parliamentary leader of the PCP, João Oliveira, in a conference. press, in Parliament.

According to the communist parliamentary leader, this abstention “marks a departure from the options and criteria assumed by the Government, in a budget that is its responsibility, but which, at the same time, should not be confused with those who bet on the degradation of the national situation to resume projects that aggravate the exploitation and impoverishment that the struggle of the workers and the Portuguese people defeated ”.

João Oliveira pointed out that, through the intervention of the PCP, measures were included in OE2021, such as guaranteeing the payment of full wages to all workers, an increase of 10 euros in pensions from January, the extension of benefits unemployment, the extension of the complement of unsanitary and painful conditions and “a significant set” of measures to strengthen the National Health Service (SNS).

The parliamentary leader of the PCP also stressed that the proposals received did not replace “the many others that were rejected, but that reality continues to be confirmed as necessary.” “There was no shortage of PCP proposals with solutions to national problems. What was lacking was the lack of political will of the PS to welcome them in their entirety ”, he fired, alerting the Government of the need to take measures beyond OE2021.

“We insist that the global response to the serious economic and social situation that the country is going through requires measures from the budget, but also beyond. Measures that the Government has committed to and needs to implement, such as the increase in the national minimum wage above what it had already admitted and the change in labor legislation in relation to its onerous standards ”, he added.
