PCP refuses to cancel or postpone the Congress in Loures. “We are exercising a political right” – Jornal Económico


The Portuguese Communist Party (PCP) rejected on Thursday the possibility of canceling the party’s XXI National Congress, which is scheduled for November 27 and 29. Although the date of the Congress coincides with the peak of the pandemic predicted by the experts, the communists do not say that “there is no reason” to hold their great meeting and they remember that “a political right” is at stake.

“There is no reason [mesmo depois de ouvidos os especialistas em saúde pública] not to hold the PCP Congress. We are exercising a political right, which is a constitutional right, which the state of emergency allows, “said communist leader Jorge Pires, after the Infarmed meeting between specialists, political leaders and social partners, where the extension of the state of emergency.

Jorge Pires said that “the PCP is a responsible party” and, from the beginning, has defended that “the Portuguese must follow the rules dictated by the General Directorate of Health”, never opposing or encouraging opposition to the rules and measures adopted. However, he acknowledged that the PCP does not always agree with all the measures taken, “that is, in the state of emergency still in force.”

Regarding the criticisms raised about the holding of the party’s Congress in Loures, which is one of the municipalities most affected by the pandemic, the communist leader assured that all security regulations will be respected, as happened at the Festa do Avante. This will imply a reduction by half the number of delegates present, the absence of national and international guests, defined circuits and the periodic disinfection of spaces.

“This movie has already seen us in relation to the Festa do Avante,” said Jorge Pires, saying that, during the three days of the communist party, “the safest place in Portugal” could have been the party venue, in the Seixal . We have all the guarantees that the Congress will develop well and that no outbreak will be born that will harm the fight against Covid-19 ”.

Asked about the accusation of the leader of the Social Democratic Party (PSD), Rui Rio, that the communists are being “arrogant and arrogant” for insisting on holding the XXI Congress at a time of pandemic, Jorge Pires replied: “If they are caught in the power with an emergency decree what they will not prohibit, what they will not prohibit. That is why we are against the state of emergency ”.

Experts predict that the peak of Covid-19 infections will be reached “between November 25 and 30” and is expected to be around “7,000 cases”.
