PCP Congress without guests and with a reduced number of delegates – O Jornal Económico


Restrictions on the number of delegates, strict rules for entry and circulation of the pavilion and the lack of tables between delegates are some of the restrictive measures that will mark the XXI Congress of the PCP, meeting that will take place on November 27, 28 and 29, 2020 at the Peace and Friendship Pavilion in Loures.

According to Lusa, who had access to information from a party source, the first restriction measure applies to the number of delegates present. Of the 1,200 initially planned, only half will be able to guarantee attendance at this congress and none of them will have access to tables, only chairs. These 600 delegates will be distributed throughout the pavilion (including the benches) and must pay attention to respecting the safety regulations.

The tables will be reserved for the executive organs and there will be circuits of entry, circulation and exit of delegates and party leaders.

With the reduction of delegates, the PCP also opted for not having guests, so the number of attendees was reduced to a minimum, in a congress that has received much criticism from the right-wing parties.

“The President of the Republic did not hinder or raise doubts or difficulties in relation to its implementation [do congresso comunista]”, Jerónimo de Sousa guaranteed, after leaving an audience at the Belém Palace, adding that there has been a connection with the General Directorate of Health in the preparation of the event.

The XXI National Congress of the PCP takes place on November 27, 28 and 29, 2020 in Pavilhão Paz e Amizade, in Loures, under the motto “Organize, Fight, Advance – Democracy and Socialism”.
