Paulo Portas on Avante: “People accept sacrifices in the name of the common good, if they start with partisan gestures, people will not accept the contrast” – News


Another topic in the debate, which averaged 200 viewers, was the economic and social crisis caused by the pandemic.

At this point, the former CDS leader considered that Europe “acted generically late” in economic terms, noting that in mid-May “there is still no definitively approved aid plan for the states and the recovery plan is in June” .

“I was not surprised that the American economy fell more than the European, but would grow faster,” he estimated, justifying that the Americans “are taking recovery measures faster and more pragmatically than the Europeans, without ideological discussions.” .

For Paulo Portas, the United States “is taking relaunch measures faster and more pragmatically than the Europeans, without ideological discussions.”

According to the former president, it is possible that “Europe will come out of this even more divided between ‘those who can’ and ‘those who should'”, with “” those who can “invest more intensively and recover faster, while” those ¿ Who should think very carefully about the invoice that arrives, not tomorrow, but a year from now? “

“The Anglo-Saxon tradition is to decide faster, bring money to the economy faster and recover faster, while the European model is much more based on loans and credits and it is difficult to negotiate, it is difficult to agree on 27 states”, which slows down the process, he said.

The debate transmitted through social networks also included the presence of the deputy and European vice president of the PPE bank, elected by the Spanish PP, Esteban González Pons, who noted that “the greatest problem facing Europe is that nationalism has become” .

In his opinion, “all European governments had a nationalistic reaction to the virus, because they closed borders, denied aid, and in the Eurogroup it attracts everyone in its interest, nobody thinks about the European interest.”

Thus, the Spanish MEP warns that the European project may be threatened, since “the leaders of the Member States make an anti-European speech” and “Brussels is the excuse of all national politicians”.

To counter this threat, Estaban González Pons hopes that “a process of refoundation and recovery of the European spirit and the European project will begin.”
