“Patient Zero” in New York remembers the first days of illness


Lawrence Garbuz, 50 years old, lawyer, considered today, in an interview to the channel NBC, that the New Rochelle resident family has been through “a great journey” since February, when he, his wife and their two children became infected with the greedy-19.

The man was the most serious case in the family, as he was hospitalized and spent three weeks in an induced coma. 02 March, the family would then receive a positive diagnosis of greedy-19. Until now, the family has not yet been able to find out what the source of infection from Lawrence Garbuz, who did not have a pre-existing health condition.

“After we entered the emergency room, I absolutely don’t remember anything that happened until I woke up from a coma. It’s like three weeks of my life are gone and I’ve been asleep through the entire process,” said Lawrence. Garbuz.

The lawyer was declared “patient zero” in New York and responsible for the strong community transmission that was observed in New Rochelle, the first location in this state to record community transmission of the virus.

New York Governor Andrew Cuomoordered 10 March a area of containment around a New Rochelle neighborhood, before ordering the confinement and social isolation for the entire state.

New Rochelle was considered a “group”, a group of cases from the new coronavirus. It is part of the county of Westchester, than at present It has more than 31,000 confirmed cases and 1,200 deaths, and New York State, with more than 184,000 cases of coronavirus and 26,000 deaths, according to Johns Hopkins University.

Lawrence Garbuz did not conform to parameters that the United States considered risky in terms of February: have traveled to China or another country in the previous weeks.

The “patient zero” recalled today that he felt sick and thought it was the flu, due to the cough and fever that woke him up one night.

“I had a mild cough and, one night before the diagnosis, I woke up with a fever. I had no intention of going to work and went to the doctor. The doctor examined me and said I had to go to the emergency room right away,” remembered. Garbuz.

In the consultation with the doctor, who referred him to the emergency room, “there was absolutely no suspicion of greedy-19, considered. “OR[new[novo[nuevo[novocoronavirus]It wasn’t on my mind, I thought it was just a cough, “added the survivor.

Noting that he is a lawyer, normally closed in an office, Lawrence Garbuz added that it had no characteristics of people considered at risk of becoming infected with the new coronavirus.

“I sit at the desk all day. I think we were back then to forceus about people who could have traveled internationally, something he had not done. And I certainly haven’t been to China, “he said.

The family thought it was pneumonia, the woman said: Adina Garbuz.

“We thought ‘OK, you have pneumonia, we are going to buy medicine and we go home.’ But over the weekend it got worse and worse,” he reported. Adina Garbuz, remembering the worry and the fright, while the husband struggled to breathe.

“A healthy and vibrant person suddenly gets sick so quickly at night. I know that right now it doesn’t surprise us that much anymore, but at the time it was shocking,” he said. Adina Garbuz.

On the night she received the diagnosis confirming her husband’s illness, the woman spent hours on the phone “with different health departments, to decide what to do and explain all the places” where they went.

In the space where he was being treated, the caregivers brought pictures of Lawrence’s family Garbuz, in which the patient was inspired to determine that “the objective was going home. “

Trying to hold back the tears, the woman recalled the first conversation they had when the man woke up from a coma: “The first words she said to me were ‘I love you,'” she said. Adina Garbuzexcited, adding that “all he cared about was family.”

In Lawrence’s opinion GarbuzThe doctors and nurses who treated him “did a splendid job” and showed “a lot of compassion.”

The lawyer confessed that he is now focused on full recovery and not interested in the media frenzy about his case.

Worldwide, according to a report by the news agency. AFPthe pandemic of greedy-19 has already caused more than 283 thousand deaths and infected More than 4.1 million people in 195 countries and territories.

The United States is the country with the most deaths (79,894) and the most cases of infection confirmed (more than 1.3 million).

The disease is transmitted by a new coronavirus detected at the end of Decemberin Wuhan, a city in central China.

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