Passos stops rumors about returning to politics


Passos Coelho does not want to feed rumors about the possibility of returning to active politics. Hours after the announcement of a public intervention on the future of the country, the former prime minister announced the cancellation of the initiative, to avoid speculation.

Passos, who has heard calls to return to active politics, was going to give his opinion on “the problems and challenges facing Portugal in the current situation” in a virtual conference scheduled for March 25, at the INSEAD school of management . But, according to The Observer, he disliked reading unfounded speculation about his return to political life.

The public intervention was announced in the same week that one of the party’s most prominent mayors defended that the country “cannot waste a man with his skills.” Carlos Carreiras, in an interview with Rádio Renascença and the newspaper Público, argued that Passos Coelho “is not the past, it is the present.”
The statements of Carreiras, mayor of Cascais and former vice president of the party, come at a time when the party is reviving again on the occasion of the municipal elections. Rui Rio has already hinted that if the results are bad, he leaves the leadership.

The last appearance of Pedro Passos Coelho was in mid-December. The former prime minister swept away the politics of the socialist government in a lengthy speech at a conference at the Academy of Sciences. At that time, Marques Mendes guaranteed that “more year, less year, he will return to political life.”
The public interventions have not been many, but Passos Coelho does not renounce to continue intervening. Some of the figures of pasismo also do not rule out an eventual return, arguing that it is one of the few that manages to unite the right.

Miguel Morgado, a former political adviser for Passos, admitted, in an interview with Nascer do SOL, that “it is natural for people to think of someone who was once the leader of a rights federation with a very different leadership style.”
The former PSD deputy even considers that “in the current political landscape, there is no one in Portugal like Pedro Passos Coelho.”

Passos Coelho left the party leadership after the defeat of the PSD in the last municipal elections. In his farewell speech, the former prime minister assured that he will continue to fight for his ideas and for the country. «I am 53 years old, I do not give up my ideas. I will express them throughout the country when I think it is important, but I will not be hanging around or stalking anything, it is not my way of being, “he said in October 2017, when he announced that he was not running for leadership.
