Passos Coelho sweeps the government


Pedro Passos Coelho made harsh criticism of the Socialist Government in an intervention in which he addressed hot topics of current politics, such as the situation in TAP or the death of a Ukrainian citizen in the facilities of the Foreigners and Borders Service (SEF).

In a conference to mark the 150th anniversary of the birth of Alfredo da Silva, the former prime minister accused the government of facilitating educational policies. “What happened, for example, with the results of the TIMMS program, which assesses competencies in the area of ​​Science and Mathematics of students who finished the first cycle of basic education, is one of the unfortunate cases of evasion of responsibilities.” Passos Coelho warns that “these educational policies will cause great damage to the training of young Portuguese people.”

The former PSD leader considers that “the search for a scapegoat is also noticeable” in the case of SEF. Passos accuses the Government of “incomprehensible inaction” for nine months.

The former prime minister also described the TAP case as “emblematic of the unsustainable lightness of public irresponsibility in the conduct of collective interest”, pointing with the finger at the billions that will be injected into the company and that exceed the investment in health.

After much criticism of the António Costa government, the former PSD leader defended that “it is time to do what must be done” to avoid “reliving such traumatic experiences. In other words, he said, “to escape the tail of Europe” it is necessary “to undertake the reforms of the political, social and economic structures necessary to build a different story than the one that has been elaborated for years here.
