Passed the first medical course at a private university in Portugal


The Medicine course of the Portuguese Catholic University was accredited by the Agency for the Evaluation and Accreditation of Higher Education (A3ES). The announcement was made this Tuesday by the dean of the institution.

Isabel Capeloa Gil used Twitter to reveal accreditation, in what she considers “a great day for higher education”.

It is recalled that in 2019, the Catholic University had seen its proposal for A3ES fail.

Two negative opinions were discussed, one from the expert evaluation committee appointed by A3ES to analyze the process and another from the Ordem dos Médicos, which had spoken out against the university’s proposal, pointing out “shortcomings.”

The negative assessment of the A3ES contributed to the flaws indicated in the two opinions, namely, pedagogical issues, the Ordem dos Médicos disagreement with respect to a discipline, and insufficient contact time with clinical practice in hospitals.

The offer overlap was also considered, since the opening of the course would represent a third training in Medicine in the Lisbon region, and the fact that “Part of the teaching staff of the new faculty that will be removed from the University of Lisbon and the Universidade Nova de Lisboa”.

In July, the president of the Ordem dos Médicos accused the Minister of Science, Technology and Higher Education, Manuel Heitor, to make a “Brutal pressure” on the Evaluation and Accreditation Agency for the opening of new medical courses.
