Parliament votes to extend the state of emergency until January 7


The decree is approved with the votes of PS and PSD, which together make up more than two thirds of the deputies.

Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa sent last night to the Assembly of the Republic the draft decree that renews the state of emergency from December 9 to 23, but has already announced a new renewal until January 7, 2021.

After listening to the Government, which delivered a favorable pronouncement this afternoon, the President of the Republic has just sent to the Assembly of the Republic, for authorization, the draft diploma, renewing, for a period of 15 days, until 23 December. December, state of emergency for the entire national territory ”, reads a note published on the website of the Presidency of the Republic.

OR The president justified the “new renewal until January 7” with the need to allow the Government “to adopt the necessary measures to contain the spread of the Covid-19 disease and announce the measures planned for the Christmas and New Year periods.”The new diploma is identical to the current one

The draft presidential decree has the same content as the current one.

This diploma of the President of the Republic that will be debated and voted today in parliament, It maintains the rules that allow restrictive measures to contain Covid-19 by groups of municipalities, including the prohibition of circulation in certain periods or days of the week.

In municipalities with higher levels of risk, the necessary restrictions may be imposed to reduce the risk of contagion and implement measures to prevent and combat the epidemic, and the measures to be adopted must be calibrated according to the degree of risk of each municipality, and for this they can be grouped according to the data and assessment of the competent authorities, including the prohibition of circulating on public roads during certain periods of the day or certain days of the week, as well as the prohibition of unjustified travel ”, reads the project.

All articles of the state of emergency decree currently in force, including those Allow the mandatory confinement of infected people and under active surveillance., recourse to means and establishments of the private health sector, “preferably by agreement” and “with fair compensation” and “total or partial closure of establishments, services, companies or means of production” or “changes to the respective regime or schedule operating “.

The President of the Republic also repeats the wording of the articles referring to the mobilization of workers to support the carrying out of inquiries, the tracing of contacts and monitoring of people under active surveillance, the limitation of the termination of labor contracts of workers in the services and establishments integrated into the National Health Service (SNS) and the imposition of the use of a mask, temperature controls and diagnostic tests to access certain spaces.

Sixth State of Emergency Diploma

It is the sixth diploma of the state of exception of Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa in the current context of the Covid-19 pandemic, which if approved will enter into force between December 9 and 23. A new renewal for another 15 days that covers the Christmas and New Year’s Eve period will run from December 24 to January 7.

During the current Covid-19 pandemic, a state of emergency was enacted to allow measures to contain the spread of this disease and was in effect for 45 days, from March 19 to May 2, with two successive renewals. Six months later, it was re-decreed, with effect from November 9, having already been renewed once.
The current period of the state of emergency, which under the terms of the Constitution can only run for 15 days, without prejudice to possible renewals, began on November 24 and ends at 11:59 p.m. on Tuesday, December 8.

To decree this legal framework, which allows the suspension of the exercise of certain rights, freedoms and guarantees, the President of the Republic must have to listen to the Government and authorization from the Assembly of the Republic.

The President of the Republic, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, must address the country at night, after the vote in the Assembly of the Republic.

c / The day after tomorrow
