Parliament does not publicly disclose and complete the Deloitte audit of Novo Banco – O Jornal Economico


This Wednesday, Parliament rejected the request presented by the Left Bloc that requested the immediate and complete public disclosure of the special audit report that Deloitte carried out on the management acts of BES / Novo Banco.

The vote on this request of the Left Bloc took place this morning in the Budget and Finance Commission (COF), having been unsuccessful after the votes against the PS and PSD and the abstention of the Liberal Initiative and the CDS. The Left Bloc and the PCP voted in favor.

On September 7, Parliament received the version of Deloitte’s special audit already cleaned of data that violates bank secrecy, that is, the name of the clients, but not only, since BE’s request did not request the disclosure of the clients.

The COF deputies are also in possession of an opinion made by the technical services of the commission which concluded that the full disclosure of the audit was illegal. In his speech, Afonso Oliveira, from the PSD, said that “there is no consolation [do parecer], there is a very strong possibility of illegality if we publish the full report ”.

The PS followed this position, with the deputy Fernando Anastácio stating that from the opinion of the technical services “there is the possibility of violation of banking secrecy.”

Cecília Meireles, CDS deputy, said that “what is paid with public money cannot be confidential, but that does not mean that it is contrary to bank secrecy under any circumstances.” “Not even some clients have lost their privacy, because they are encrypted [na versão da auditoria entregue ao Parlamento] and that is not what is at stake ”.

The CDS deputy also said that “Novo Banco says that the disclosure of some of these acts will damage Novo Banco’s business by revealing the record of losses associated with loans and assets that were not sold, but are in the process of being sold.” .

Thus, Cecília Meireles feared that the possible approval of the BE requirement would open “the door to all kinds of victimizations by Novo Banco”.

“Novo Banco has had injections of public money every year, we already had an audit and when it arrived, we have some parties that say that the audit is useless and that another audit is needed, which I say because I am in favor. Only now did we need the Novo Banco to request an audit of the losses caused by the Assembly of the Republic with the publication of the report. Enough of this telenova ”.

“That said, there will be a commission of inquiry and, if not, all possible and imaginary audiences will be required, and I, as a deputy, have every right to use the information that is here, confidential or not, so It appears that it should not have happened and that it was covered up with secrecy, with taxpayer money. I emphasize that this was done precisely in Caixa Geral de Depósito, where the list of entities was not disclosed, but it was absolutely transparent. I can’t keep up with this app [do BE] because it seems that it opens the door to all kinds of victimizations in Novo Banco ”, concluded the deputy of the CDS.

For the COF meeting that took place today, it was also planned to discuss a draft resolution presented by Chega that required “the full disclosure of the audit to the new bank and the participation of the judicial authorities.”

However, COF did not appreciate this request due to the non-appearance of André Ventura, who is Chega’s only alternate.

Parliament approves the ECB’s letter on the analysis of the Novo Banco audit

The COF unanimously approved the request presented by the PS requesting Novo Banco and Banco de Portugal to send the analysis that the European Central Bank (ECB) carried out to the Deloitte audit of BES / Novo Banco.

In particular, the PS requests that Novo Banco and Banco de Portugal provide, albeit confidentially, a letter from the ECB on the Frankfurt analysis of the special audit and which was mentioned by António Ramalho, CEO of Novo Banco, in a parliamentary hearing which took place on September 15.

(News item updated at 12 noon with more information and statements from deputies)
