Parliament debates and approves the mandatory use of masks in the street for three months | Coronavirus


Parliament will debate and approve this Friday morning a PSD bill that imposes the mandatory use of masks in public spaces for at least three months, a renewable measure. The initial proposal of the Social Democrats provided for a period of 120 days for the mandatory use of a mask, but one day before the discussion it was learned that the PSD had changed the diploma.

The diploma, which should have a vote today in general, specialty and global final, has a guaranteed approval with favorable votes of at least PSD, PS and CDS-PP.

Fonte do Bloco told Lusa that the party will make the diploma viable in general because “from the beginning, the need to wear a mask on the street continues, in contexts of people gathering”, in the framework of the covid-19 pandemic , and will propose in particular, the free distribution of masks so that the measure does not penalize “the most vulnerable sectors of the population.”

The PCP will abstain, as will the ENP, sources from both parties told Lusa.

The only deputy and president of Chega, André Ventura, who had announced that he was against the measure, will not vote on the diploma, as he is campaigning in the Azores. The Liberal Initiative, for its part, only said that it will not vote in favor.

The PSD initiative arose from the bill presented by the Government last week, which sought to make the use of a mask and the StayAway Covid computer application mandatory.

After widespread criticism from parties, including the PS Faced with the obligation to use the application that was announced months ago as a volunteer, the president of the PSD, Rui Rio, announced the intention of the Social Democrats to present a project identical to that of the Government, but only in relation to the masks, which was achieved on last Friday.

In an interview with TVI this Monday, Prime Minister António Costa announced that the Government “would not agree” with the appreciation of his diploma, leaving only the “consensual” proposal of the PSD on the imposition of the use of the mask.

Regarding the Government diploma, the PSD clarified the validity of the law for 90 days, renewable and created an article that gives the Autonomous Regions of Madeira and Azores the competence to modulate the measure, in addition to removing any reference to StayAway Covid.

On Thursday, the Social Democrats delivered a substituted text in relation to their initial diploma, with amendments “previously transmitted” to the PS, which deserved the agreement of the Socialists, and which, among other measures, eliminate the possibility of the visor being used as alternative to mask.

The diploma determines that the use of a mask is mandatory for those over ten years of age to access, circulate or stay in public spaces and roads “provided that the physical distance recommended by the health authorities is impractical.”

This obligation may be exempted “in relation to people who are part of the same household, when they are not in the proximity of third parties” or by presenting a medical certificate of multipurpose disability or medical statement that proves that the clinical condition or cognitive impairment does not Allow the use of masks.

Nor is the use of a mask mandatory when “it is incompatible with the nature of the activities carried out by people.”

The inspection “is the responsibility of the security forces and the municipal police” and the failure to use a mask constitutes an offense, punishable by a fine of between 100 and 500 euros.
