Parliament approves the mandatory use of masks in public spaces for 70 days – Observer


This Friday, Parliament approved the mandatory use of a mask in public spaces and on roads for 70 days, provided that it is not possible to guarantee physical distance. The bill was presented by the PSD and takes effect after being published in the Diário da República.

  • Who does it apply to?
    More than 10 years.
  • In what situations
    In spaces or public roads where it is not possible to maintain the physical distance recommended by the General Directorate of Health: top of two meters.
  • How long?
    For 70 days, after being published in Diário da República, but with the possibility of renewal.
  • What areas of the country are covered?
    The measure must be applied throughout the continental territory, with the autonomous communities being able to adapt the measure to the epidemiological situation they are experiencing.
  • What are the expected exceptions?
    People with cognitive, developmental and psychological disabilities upon presentation of a medical certificate of multipurpose disability or medical statement;
    second) Medical statement certifying that the person’s clinical condition does not coincide with the use of masks;
    C) When the use of a mask is incompatible with the nature of the activities carried out by people;
    re) People who are part of the same household when they are at the necessary physical distance from third parties.

Before the vote, the PSD already had the guaranteed support of the Socialist Party and the proposal was finally approved by a majority. In addition to PSD and PS, CDS and PAN voted in favor in the final vote. PCP, Os Verdes, Bloco de Esquerda and Joacine Katar Moreira abstained. The Liberal Initiative deputy was the only one who voted against it. Chega had also spoken out against the measure, but André Ventura was not present in Parliament during the vote.

A debate on masks that served to criticize the Government in handling the pandemic

The measure was initially approved in general and then the diploma modification proposals were voted point by point before the final vote. Between the proposed amendments They were:

  • the reduction of the term from 90 to 70 days, presented by the PS;
  • the launch of pedagogy and awareness actions, presented by the Bloco de Esquerda;
  • that the inspection of the security forces gives priority to pedagogy and only then to counter-order, also from BE;
  • awareness of the reuse of masks, proposed by the PAN.

The diploma presented to the vote, the PSD had already undergone some changes before the vote. In addition to not including the mandatory installation of the StayAway Covid application, which was in the PS’s withdrawn proposal, the PSD also omitted the possibility of using visors as an alternative to masks and reduced the duration of the measurement from 120 to 90 days.

In the bill, the PSD justified “the adoption, necessarily temporary, of the mandatory use of masks in public spaces, as a way to contain the spread of infections”, with the “successive multiplication of the number of infected and hospitalizations [que] demonstrate the insufficiency of the measures so far determined by the national authorities ”.

Failure to comply with the measure now approved constitutes an infraction and may be sanctioned with a fine of between 100 and 500 euros, as provided for in article 3 of Decree-Law No. 28-B / 2020, of June 26.
