Parliament approves the decree of the state of emergency


The PS was the first party to intervene in the debate and argued that the draft presidential decree on the state of emergency is characterized by proportionality “in all its aspects”, the “balance” in relation to the sacrifices requested and reasonableness before the current context.

In his speech, the socialist deputy Pedro Delgado Alves argued that the current presidential decree on the state of emergency is different from those of March and April, because “it focuses on issues inextricably linked to the direct response to the pandemic, within a framework of least restrictive limitation “. Fundamental rights. It focuses on a more accurate image of what is needed at the moment. “Faced with the” hard numbers, “the country” cannot do without adopting more forceful measures, “added the deputy.

According to Pedro Delgado Alves, “what is proposed is a picture of possibilities that is adequate, balanced in the sacrifices demanded of the population, but understandable by the people and dictates of reasonableness in the context we are going through.”

“In the design of these measures, priority was given to the protection of health, especially that of the most vulnerable, and the defense of the capacity of the National Health Service (SNS), avoiding as much as possible damaging the activity of companies,” he said. .

PSD says there is no room for “sterile rhetoric”

In turn, the president of the PSD, Rui Rio, defended that the country’s situation does not give room for maneuver to the “sterile rhetoric or partisan exploitation” of discontent, saying that the Government is “responsible” for the selective use of the state of emergency. . .

In his speech, Rio argued that, in democracy, “rights, freedoms and guarantees must be hierarchical.”

“We cannot fall into fundamentalism, not to mention ridicule, of not temporarily giving up a lesser right in the name of a greater right,” he said.

Stressing that the country’s health and economic situation “is more delicate today than eight months ago,” the PSD president stressed that it is necessary to “drastically reduce the rate of spread of the disease, to prevent hospitals from reaching the point of having to decide who to treat and who to leave ”.

The PSD president reiterated the party’s vote in favor of this declaration of a state of emergency, but argued that the responsibility for enforcing it now rests with the government.

“Once the state of emergency has been declared, the Government will be responsible for its use; that it is intended to be selective, so that, in defense of public health and the national economy, the same is different and the different ”, he defended.

BE makes the document workable

Catarina Martins announced that BE will abstain and make the state of emergency viable for 15 days “so that the government does not lack mechanisms to respond to the pandemic”, noting that “from this decree all abusive limitations on trade union and worker rights were eliminated . workers and that we have criticized in the past ”.

“We made it possible, finally, because limitations on the right of movement should not be imposed by a mere administrative authority. In the pandemic there is no suspension of democracy ”, he justified.

However, according to the BE leader, the party will not vote in favor because “the authorization is indefinite in matters such as curfews”, which it considers “counterproductive in view of the available data.”

“It is not possible to prevent people from walking down the street at night, who are forced to use parking meters and full buses during the day to go to work,” he exemplified.

The declaration of a state of emergency proposed by the President of the Republic, said Catarina Martins, “reinforces the government’s instruments to put all the installed health capacity in Portugal, including military, private and social, under the responsibility of the National Health Service [SNS] during the pandemic ”. “The government can do it even without an agreement. And you must. I should have already, ”he said.

Regarding the SNS, added Catarina Martins, although more media have been mobilized, “essentially responding to this huge new vacancy are the same health units and the same professionals who have been doing it for 8 months”, who “accumulate millions of overtime hours, mostly unpaid, and they continue to perform their duties every day ”.

“Meanwhile, there is a country that feels helpless because it lacks the consultation with the family doctor, because the surgery has been canceled again, because the exam has been postponed. Paradoxically, it is at the time when the SNS works the most that its absence is also felt the most, ”he said.

PCP says state of emergency is not “adequate” to respond to pandemic

In a harsher intervention than usual, João Oliveira, a PCP deputy, announced the party’s vote against defending that the state of emergency is not the most “adequate” way to respond to the Covid-19 pandemic, listing four reasons . In the first place, the deputy maintains that the draft decree “ignores the main question posed to the country, which is the health security conditions of each sector.” Second, “it accentuates the lack of responsibility of public authorities in favor of easy solutions.” Third, “riding the wave of fear and panic that is promoted on a massive scale” and, finally, “in matters as relevant as access to health, this state of emergency does not comply with the limits of the Constitution, but rather a roadmap for doing private business with public money ”.

For the communist parliamentary leader, the proposal “does not point to a single real impulse for the strengthening of the NHS, but it does so without shame, defends the business of diseases” and defends that “what we should be discussing is the strengthening of the NHS and their responsiveness “.

João Oliveira then criticized the President of the Republic, complaining that Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, “at the request of the Government, is limited to” asking the Assembly of the Republic if it can declare a state of emergency “, instead of discussing the reinforcement of the SNS and what measures are needed “in a school, in a home, in transport, in a theater or cinema, in a restaurant or cafeteria”.

For the PCP, the decree of the Head of State “completely ignores the definition of the necessary health security conditions in each sector”, “accentuates the lack of responsibility of the public powers in favor of individual accountability and the limitation of rights “,” Rides the wave of fear and panic “and” is a roadmap to do private business with public money.

CDS votes in favor because the situation is “very serious”

The parliamentary leader of the CDS-PP, Telmo Correia, today refused to adhere to “unanimity”, but indicated that the party will vote in favor of the declaration of the state of emergency, justifying that the situation is “very serious.”

“Our vote for this decree is favorable, thinking mainly of the Portuguese who, as we have said, were always and always more responsible than those who govern us,” said the deputy in the parliamentary debate on a new declaration of the state of emergency in Portugal .

In the speech, Telmo Correia indicated that “the CDS does not change its position” and does not fail with its vote “on essential issues.”

The CDS left harsh criticism of the Government and Marcelo, accusing the President of the Republic of “lack of demand.” “There were fewer demands, Dupond and Dupont more between São Bento and Belém.”

PAN abstains and questions omission in political rights

“We are not comfortable with the fact that, within the permissible restrictions on the rights to freedom and movement, there is no provision to safeguard political rights, something of particular concern as the presidential elections approach, which would not be understandable in a democracy, “he said. PAN spokesperson, André Silva, in the Assembly of the Republic, declaring the party’s abstention.

André Silva defended that “the declaration of the state of exception is necessary to give legal certainty to the measures that are being taken, but its content can and should be different, more circumscribed and more proportional.”

“The Greens” vote against

‘The Greens’ vote against, but they do not stop calling here for the Government to take these concerns into account and not expect that it is the declaration of a state of emergency that, in itself, will respond to the fight against this pandemic ”. said José Luís Ferreira.

“If in the first state of emergency, the Greens, despite reservations about their need, ended up giving the benefit of the doubt by abstaining, today, ‘The Greens’ have even more doubts and deeper reservations about the need to return to make use of this mechanism, ”he said.

According to the environmental deputy, “so that there is no lack of protective material for health professionals or beds for patients and to provide the NHS with more professionals or to strengthen its response capacity, there is no need for a state of emergency.”

“In addition, in a situation like this, the declaration of a state of emergency entails another problem that arises when it ends or is not renewed. From then on, people tend to internalize that everything is fine and there is a perception that it is no longer necessary to take the rules so seriously, “he defended.

Chega defends “punctual and proportional measures”

André Ventura, from Chega, defended that “we must try to prevent the cure from killing us” and have “specific and proportional measures but not have absurd restrictions that kill restoration and glasses.”

“The state is one of emergency and not one of socialist destruction because this has been in Portugal for many years,” Ventura added.

IL against state of emergency with limitations of unjustified freedoms

The Liberal Initiative announced the vote against, arguing that the decree foresees limitations on “excessive and unjustified” rights and freedoms in the effectiveness of the fight against the pandemic, while criticizing its “lack of definition and lightness.”

In the debate on the request for authorization of the declaration of the state of emergency, the sole deputy of the Liberal Initiative, João Cotrim Figueiredo, recalled that the party “voted against the renewal of the state of emergency in April” since it “stepped on several red lines in that concern the individual rights of the Portuguese ”, which criticizes what happens again in this new decree.

“We believe that the decree foresees limitations on the rights and freedoms of people, individual and collective, which are excessive and unjustified in terms of their effectiveness in combating the pandemic. And he does it with an uncertainty and a lightness with which we cannot agree ”, he stressed.

“We said at the time, and we repeat it now, that we do not accept that restrictions on freedoms are decided on the basis of unclear and unclear diplomas, that too many expressions are used such as’ in particular ‘,’ specifically ‘or’ preferentially ‘. The freedoms are defended in an absolute way, they are not defended in a preferential way ”, he said.

Joacine warns that “the restriction of rights cannot be trivialized”

The unregistered deputy Joacine Katar Moreira considered today that “the restriction of rights cannot be trivialized” with the declaration of the state of emergency, pointing out that the fight against the pandemic should not focus only on the increase in infections.

“The restriction of rights, freedoms and guarantees and the relaxed decree of the state of emergency cannot be trivialized. Even when we need to ensure that the State has the exceptional means of intervention to combat covid-19 ”, said the deputy this afternoon, in the Assembly of the Republic, in the debate on the presidential decree that proposes the institution of the state of emergency in the country. .

For Joacine, “it is not possible to focus the fight against covid-19 by looking only at the increase in infections” or “to normalize that there are thousands of individuals canned in buses, canned in trains.”

“This is a state that trusts the discernment of the rich and distrusts the discernment of the most vulnerable,” criticized the unregistered deputy.

c / The day after tomorrow
