Pandemic ruins the emotional well-being of the Portuguese | Coronavirus


An opinion survey conducted by Aximage for the Newspaper and for TSF it shows that 92% of those surveyed in this survey are very or very concerned about the effects of the covid-19 pandemic and 55% suffer a large or very large impact on health and emotional well-being. Among the many concerned and very concerned, there are more than nine out of 10 Portuguese and it is mainly the elderly, over 65, who express this concern.

On the other hand, the survey shows that 31% of those surveyed are more concerned about the effects of the pandemic on the economy and employment, 21% say that what they are most concerned about is health and emotional well-being and 12 % reveal that what concerns them is physical health. In this case, young people stand out: 69% are affected. The lowest class suffers the most: 68%.

In the case of the effects on the economy and on employment, it is those who are at the beginning of their working life that show the greatest concern, since from 35 years to 49 it is the range of those who do not prioritize , that is, they care about everything equally.

From the point of view of the emotional well-being of the Portuguese, more than half of the respondents reveal that the pandemic had a great or very great impact in terms of emotions and women are the protagonists of this chapter. However, only 11% of the Portuguese sought the support of a psychologist or doctor. The survey specifies that more than seven out of 10 Portuguese managed to carry out emotional management this year without feeling the need to seek help. On the other hand, 15% of the people who were questioned said that although they felt the need for professional support, they did not.

And how are the Portuguese in terms of the level of satisfaction with the standard of living? The study is clear. Those who were satisfied are less satisfied and those who were already dissatisfied are now more accompanied. Whether in the standard of living in general, health, social life or family life, the trend is clear and shows that the pandemic has come to affect the assessment made before and after these months of living with the new coronavirus, lockdowns and restrictive measures. .

The study also indicates that if before the pandemic, almost six out of 10 were satisfied with the level and life they had until then, now the percentage is much lower, not even four out of 10. Those who were dissatisfied in 2019 were only 5% and throughout the year the company grew to 17%.

According to the survey, the chapter on social life is where there are greater variations: more than half of the Portuguese were satisfied and now only 23% consider themselves satisfied with their social life. As for the dissatisfied, there is a greater variation, from 4% before the pandemic to 36% now.

The Aximage survey for JN and TSF, published this Sunday, aimed to evaluate the opinion of the Portuguese on issues related to covid-19 and 647 interviews were collected among people over 18 years old living in Portugal. The fieldwork was carried out between November 23 and 26. A sample was made by quota, with sex, age and region, of the known universe, rebalanced by sex and education.

The sample of 647 respondents corresponds to a confidence level of 95% with a margin of error of 3.90 ”.
