Pandemic fatigue? Phenomenon already reaches 60% of the world population


A World Health Organization (who) carried out a study that reveals that around 60% of the world’s population already suffers from “fatigue pandemic. To clear all doubts about this phenomenon, The Order of Portuguese Psychologists published, this Monday, a clarification on what it is and how to combat the “fatigue of pandemic.

“It is a feeling of overload, of being constantly alert and tired, of obeying restrictions and changes in our lives”, begins by defining the professional order.

Remembering that COVID-19-19 “demanded from us and demands from all a great capacity to adapt”, highlights the organization that, now, after eight pandemic and no end in sight “It is natural that we feel less motivated to follow the guidelines and behaviors of protection, after so many months of living with limitations, sacrifices and uncertainty. In other words, in short, it is natural that “we feel tired and fed up with this situation.”

However, this fatigue represents a danger to the whole society, according to the Order of Psychologists, due to fatigue pandemic, “our perception of risk related to COVID-19-19 may decrease. “In addition, in addition to this decreased sensitivity to virus severity,” the side effects of pandemic are equally devastating, “especially because of factors as “unemployment, loss of income or deterioration of living conditions, for example”.

The crisis pandemic and socioeconomic generates insecurity, fear and anxiety about the present and the future, which can aggravate or lead to difficulties and Psychological Health problems (such as depression, anxiety or stress). There are estimates that predict that between 20% and 30% of people will suffer the psychological impact of pandemic“, warns the Order.

How to combat fatigue pandemic?

According to the Order of Psychologists, “despite fatigue”, the truth is that we are living at a time when it is necessary to redouble efforts to combat the virus and we cannot “lower our guard.” “Our behaviors are essential to contain its spread and protect ourselves and others.” However, it is important that we continue making our lives, searching “Activities that increase our well-being and, at the same time, minimize risk in all the situations in which we find ourselves ”.

Four tips to avoid giving in to fatigue and carelessness in combat COVID-19-19:

1. Make a commitment. Wearing a mask, washing your hands, and keeping your distance is like stopping at a red light or wearing a seat belt. Be safe with yourself and with others.

2. Repeat. There are behaviors that we have to repeat until they become a habit and we do them effortlessly.

3. Always have on hand. It is easier not to forget if we always have disinfectant on hand, in addition to a mask (in the suitcase, in the car, at the entrance of the house).

4. Accept and persist, don’t give up. A pandemic is about to last, but adapting our life to the new coronavirus it is possible (and necessary). A few years ago it was common to offer a large number of disposable plastic bags in supermarkets. Today this is not the case and adaptus to this new reality, adjusting our behavior.

It is recalled that, this Monday, directorgeneral health, Graça Freitas addressed “fatigue pandemic“during the informative press conference on the evolution of pandemic no country. I direct Ministry of Health, the official asked the Portuguese to keep the essential recommendations for prevention against COVID-19-19 and don’t give in to the fatigue caused by the new virus.

We cannot lower our guard no matter how tired we are (…) We cannot facilitate and take steps that unprotect us, we must do everything possible not to get sick and, above all, not to spread diseases.“, he appealed.

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