PAN announces abstention from OE by 2021 and facilitates viability – Observer


The PAN (People-Animals-Nature) party announced this Sunday that it will abstain from the State Budget for 2021, an important step to make the document viable. The parliamentary leader of the PAN began by recalling that the Budget comes at a time when the country faces a “second wave” of the Covid-19 pandemic and that “there is much to do in terms of expertise in 2021”, but wanting to continue negotiating and “not being able to vote in favor”, the PAN will “abstain”.

With the abstention already announced by the PCP, the PAN made the Government It is only necessary for a deputy to vote in favor so that the approval of the Budget is guaranteed. Minutes later, Joacine Katar-Moreira gave the Observer precisely this guarantee: if his vote is correct, he will keep the document. In other words: the Government has already achieved the certainty that it will have the budget approved in general, even before the meeting of the National Table of the Left Bloc, which takes place this Sunday.

Budget approval guaranteed. Joacine guarantees to be an unlocking party: “Absolutely”

The Left Bloc decides and announces its vote at dawn this Sunday, but since it has not yet decided, it gave the possibility of being a non-registered deputy to give this guarantee to the executive first.

Contacted this Sunday by the Observer, the unregistered deputy Cristina Rodrigues guaranteed that she will only make and communicate the decision on Monday. The PEV announced that it will make the decision until Tuesday, so this Monday could be “Cristina’s day”, when the unregistered would put the final stamp on the OE’s approval. It was enough to vote in favor. But Joacine anticipated and said this Sunday that he would always make the Budget viable if the document depended on his vote.

Returning to the announcement of the PAN, Inês Sousa Real explains that OE2021 must be “capable of starting the economic recovery” and reminds “that no one should be left out of this budget”. The PAN recalls that “at this stage the content of the final budget is open and there is room to advance in matters of specialty.” Thus, “as long as the Government and the PS do not back down on the commitments already assumed, not being able to vote in favor of this budget, the PAN will abstain in general.”

Before announcing this vote, Inês Sousa Real reiterated the “positive aspects” of the State Budget for 2021 as “the increase of the minimum amount of unemployment benefit to a value above the poverty line; the creation of new social support and the provision of a ban on layoffs for companies receiving public support, in the extension of support to companies; the non-transfer of public money to Novo Banco; a national railway plan that ensures the railway connection with all district capitals; the establishment of a national asbestos abatement program; or the National Strategy to Combat Poverty, whose creation of the commission for its preparation has already been announced by the Government ”.

In addition, he recalled, “as a result of the strong commitment and merit of the proposals,” the party was able to see proposals “generally registered” as “the expansion of housing first and shared apartments, which will allow hundreds of people to be taken off the street; the achievement of a shelter for victims of child marriage, early or forced; the guarantee of 261 contracts for INEM; the implementation of incentives for purchase of low-emission vehicles, conventional or electric bicycless; the realization of protocols with university veterinary hospitals, to ensure the provision of medical-veterinary services to animals in the hands of needy families and zoophilic associations; and the approval of the legal regime of the animal supplier, not just the company ”.

Also, remember, for the PAN “a word is a word of honor” and that is why it was necessary to guarantee the implementation of the measures approved in the 2020 Budget that have not yet been implemented. And he listed them. The PAN had guarantees from the government that these measures will be implemented.

Article updated at 20:07 with information from Joacine Katar-Moreira, which would make the Budget for 2021 viable
