Pai e stepmother of Valentina ficam in preventive detention for homicide, desecration of corpse and domestic violence – Observer


(at update)

Or to the stepmother of Valentina, to the criança mort in the past week in Peniche, to go into preventive detention. A decision of the Tribunal de Instrução de Leiria, which opted for the heaviest measure of coação.

O casal é suspeito de different crimes: both respond by occultation of the body of nine years and by qualified homicide, more, no case of stepmother, that murder, second or court, will have been committed by omissão e sob dolo eventual. This specific legal qualification means that she has not been directly responsible for the offenses, but she perceives that Valentina could die because of them and conformed with that possibility, denying or assisting that she needed it.

Além disso, o pai da criança também ficou indicted by domestic violence. O juiz de instrução terá concluded that, before giving agressão that would be fatal, criança was also the victim of violence by Sandro Bernardo.

The magazine Sábado advances, meanwhile, that the Public Ministry wants you to be filhos that o casal tem em comum lhes sejam retired and that arguida perch also guards one of our other raptors, more velho. This request has been given before the Family Court and Minors of Caldas da Rainha, as an emergency.

To preventive imprisonment was applied to the arguidos depois de, na terça-feira, both terem decided to give declarations perante or juiz. I do not depose, Sandro Bernardo maintains to tese that he has related to Polícia Judiciária, challenging any responsibility of Valentina’s death. Márcia Bernardo, hurry up or Observer, will have insisted that nothing could be done to prevent this waste.

Pai de Valentina denies responsibility for the death of the child. Stepmother said she could not help anything to avoid

You are foram detainees for the end of the week, depois, second to investigation, terem encendado or disappearance of criança. A Polícia Judiciária certifies that a minor was violently assaulted in the morning, ending by dying. Or it would be hidden from the eucalyptus for a few hours, já à noite.

The preliminary report of the autopsy identified several lesões that will be consistent with agressões.
