Pai e madrasta de Valentina ficam em prisão preventiva


Or for the stepmother of Valentina and await trial in preventive detention. As the most serious obligation was decreed, this fourth day, hair of instruction from Gil Vicente do Tribunal de Leiria.

He decides to subject himself to preventive detention for the arguments Sandro e Márcia, once strongly accused of: Arguida Márcia Monteiro carried out as the author of a crime of homicide qualified for omission and eventual intent (…). Or argued Sandro Bernardo carried out as the author of a crime of qualified homicide (…). Both argued, in co-authorship, a crime of profanation of corpse. Or argued Sandro carried out a crime of domestic violence “, announced the justiça officer.

Isto means that Sandro Bernando was indicted for a qualified homicide and domestic violence, enquanto Márcia Monteiro was indicted “of homicide qualified by omissão e sob dolo eventual”, or that it means that this prior or final result of this crime did not prevent it from happening. O casal foi ainda indicted for co-authorship of the crime of profanation of a corpse.

A criminal molding for a crime of qualified homicide can go to 25 years imprisonment, or whatever, to maximum penalty in Portugal. Ja de corpse hiding I could go tied to five years.

A criança, 9 years old, was given as missing in the manhã of Quinta-Feira, she was the victim of a complaint from the Peniche da GNR. Na manhã de domingo, foi found sem vida in a eucalyptus zone, na Serra D’el Rei, in Peniche.

An autopsy performed at or corpo da menina confirmed that this was alvo de agressões com enormous violence before losing life.

Second or preliminary result, to menina tinha lesões na cabeça and signs of suffocation. According to the police, it embooks signs of suffocation, a nine-year-old criança te frrido agressões em vários locais, or that he caused various injuries.

Results that confirm PJ’s theory that Valentina foi morta at home, num “context of violence” and no in the sequence of an accident, related to the country, during or on the day of the fourth of February, I tend or have been raised for Serra d’El-Rei during the night of the same day.
