Children from 6 years old will wear masks in Madeira

[ad_1] Article | 11/03/2020 2:57 PM José Manuel Rodrigues exalted on Tuesday afternoon the two changes introduced in the adaptation to the Region of the national diploma, one of them being the obligation that children wear masks from the age of six, while the national law only contemplates the From …

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THE BALL – “We must kill all Armenians: children, women and the elderly”: UEFA is already investigating what is happening in Qarabag (Azerbaijan)

[ad_1] UEFA, according to international press reports, would have opened an investigation to analyze the traces of the publication made by the communication director of Qarabag, the Azerbaijani team that only faces the Europa League. “We must kill all Armenians: children, women and the elderly, without regret or compassion. If …

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