WHO Positioning on Vaccination of BCG and COVID-19

[ad_1] There is no evidence that the Bacille Calmette-Guérin (BCG) vaccine protects people against infection with COVID-19 viral hair. Two clinical trials that address this question are at the WHO and will support the evidence when you have it. In the absence of evidence, WHO does not recommend vaccinação com …

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José Castelo Branco forgives his brother and pays tribute to him with a rare photograph with his cousin … António Costa – Nacional

[ad_1] José Castelo Branco had already revealed some family surprises. Among them, the degree of relationship with the Prime Minister of Portugal, António Costa. José Castelo Branco’s maternal grandmother, Cândida, and António Costa’s paternal grandmother, Amélia, were sisters. The government leader is a second cousin of the eccentric art creator …

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Guaidó denies any participation in the maritime invasion

[ad_1] Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaidó today denied any involvement in the maritime invasion over the weekend, which resulted in eight deaths and which the Venezuelan president said occurred with the intention of killing him. According to a published statement, cited by the Associated Press, Guaidó emphasized that “he has …

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