What to expect from the first winter of the pandemic?

[ad_1] meThese are some of the answers to questions that the first Winter COVID-19-19 can cause: What influence do colder seasons have on the transmission of viral diseases? THE autumn is he Winter improve virus transmission, as seen annually in epochs of flu seasonal, which take place between November me …

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Health centers shoot users to pharmacies and

[ad_1] Ines scare Today at 09:06 Since January, the regulator has been monitoring user complaints related to telephone limitations. Patients look for alternatives in the pharmacy, in the private one and in the emergency room. “Lost”, “abandoned”, not knowing where to turn. The main entrance door of the National Health …

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Director XXI has no doubts: ″ Despite the suffocation … ″

[ad_1] Sports members did not budget, report, and account Photography: Ricardo Gonçalves / Global Imagens Test 27 September 2020 at 09:25 Topics Members of the sport did not meet budget and report and accounts on Saturday. Sporting partners disapproved this Saturday, at the General Assembly (AG) held at the José …

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Public transportation is a “hot spot” for broadcasting. “We must quadruple the supply”, assures the infectionologist – O Jornal Económico

[ad_1] The infiologist Jaime Nina defended today that it is necessary to quadruple the supply of public transport to allow the necessary distance between passengers, considering that they are a “hotspot” for the transmission of covid-19. “Public transport is one of the nerve centers of transmission,” he said, arguing that …

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Socialists in solidarity with Pedroso

[ad_1] Politics September 26, 2020 The PS parliamentary leader condemns the attacks on the former minister. “You have every right to be whatever you want,” he says. Gonçalo Fernandes Santos Almost 20 years after leaving active politics, Paulo Pedroso once again coordinates Ana Gomes’s campaign for the Presidency of the …

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