Orders from doctors and psychologists question alleged psychotherapist


The orders of doctors and psychologists consider this activity very dangerous, especially since Miguel Mealha Estrada is a staunch defender of the prescription of ritalin to children with hyperactivity.

On Friday at 9 o’clock he knows that this supposed psychotherapist makes diagnoses and sends patients to other doctors.

False psychotherapist fired

However, the case developed after the broadcast of the RTP: the false psychotherapist was fired.

The director of the Nostra clinic fired the false psychotherapist who, during the last years, treated problem children in Lisbon, without any academic title to validate the activity.

Tiago Vinhas de Sousa made the decision after facing the data presented on Friday at 9.

In a statement sent to RTP, the director of Clínica Nostra guarantees that “to date there is no link between Clínica Nostra and Miguel Mealha Estrada.”

Miguel Mealha Estrada has called himself a pediatric psychoanalyst for the last 8 years. From 2015 to 2018 he worked with the prestigious pediatrician Gomes Pedro and in 2018 he joined the Nostra clinic. He never showed a valid academic degree or was requested by any employer.

In Portugal, psychotherapy is not regulated, leading to various scams. But the understanding of the different Orders of health professionals is that this activity is limited to psychologists, doctors or duly accredited health professionals, which is not the case of Miguel Mealha Estrada.

This so-called psychotherapist guaranteed to have a degree in the UK but never submitted the title and Friday at 9 confirmed that he never did.

RTP also found that this bogus psychotherapist referred patients already diagnosed with hyperactivity to doctors who prescribe ritalin without seeing the patients.

Doctors and psychologists understand that this activity is very dangerous because it can cause “psychotic breakouts” in children with a false diagnosis or a misdiagnosis of hyperactivity.

The Sanitary Regulatory Authority confirms that Miguel Mealha Estrada was never included in the registration system of obligated subjects and reports that Clínica Nostra incurs a fine of more than 40 thousand euros for the violation.
