Order Doctors want to prioritize the age factor in the vaccination plan


Cor bored that doctors and other health professionals “take priority”, OM advocated with the tutela “a change in the criteria for operationalization population groups with factors known risk factors, favoring, for example, factor years, which would facilitate the identification of target groups and reduce mortality, Morbidity and pressure on services “.

To justify this belief, the order led by Miguel Guimarães highlights that “the rate of Lethality it ranges from approximately 0.3% in the 50-59 age group to 13.6% in those over 80 “.

In this sense, professionals and residents of nursing homes, long-term care units and the elderly who are accompanied directly by families, would benefit from the vaccine in the first phase. Likewise, as far as healthcare professionals are concerned, we defend that the factor Age and associated diseases should be considered in selection regardless of the health unit, region of the country or sector where they develop their exercise“, He argues.

In a letter addressed to Marta Temido’s ministry, the OM also expressed “concern over the lack of criteria for operationalization for health professionals who do not work in the SNS [Serviço nacional de Saúde] and for citizens who are followed exclusively at the hospital level in the SNS and those that are followed only in sectors social and private “.

The position of the OM appears in the “sequence of some news that shows that it corroborated in the everything Portugal’s strategy to initiate vaccination against COVID-19-19 by health professionals “.

It is proposed, therefore, “to clarify that he sent to the Ministry of Health, on December, a letter with comments on the National Vaccination Plan COVID-19-19 he had access to, and that this is the same plan advertised by the coordinator of the working group with the media “.

In that document, the press release continues, “the president of the Portuguese Medical Association and the Crisis Office of the COVID-19-19 argued that there was an urgent need to define a clear, coherent and participatory strategy vaccine based mainly on objectives prevent mortality and prevent the overload of health services, following Morbidity, mortality and preservation of exercise no-COVID-19“.

The Regional Vaccination Plan COVID-19-19 establishes three phases, starting with the elderly population and health professionals, public and private, followed by people with comorbidities and then the rest of the population.

The estimate indicates that 50 thousand people will be vaccinated in the first phase; another 50 thousand in the second phase and, finally, 100 thousand people.

The vaccination campaign began on Sunday in Portugal, as in other countries of the European Union.

The vaccine is optional, free and universal, being guaranteed by the SNS.

A pandemic of COVID-19-19 caused at least 1,818,946 deaths as a result of more than 82.6 million cases of infection around the world, according to a report by the French agency AFP.

In Portugal, 6,906 people died out of 413,678 cases of infection confirmed, according to the most recent Direction-General health.

The disease is transmitted by a new coronavirus detected not end of December of 2019, I Wuhan, a city in central China.

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