Ordem dos Médicos applauds a state of emergency and asks the population to adhere to the measures – O Jornal Economico


The Order of Doctors welcomed this Sunday, December 8, with the declaration of the state of emergency, which it wanted to activate before, and warned the population about an aggravation of the pandemic in the coming weeks and the need to maintain preventive measures.

In response to the approval by the Government, on Saturday, of the measures that will enter into force between Monday and November 23, such as the night curfew in the provinces with the highest risk of contagion, the president and the Office of Crisis of the Covid-19 of the Order. dos Medicos (OM) expressed, “at this time of growing pandemic activity and imperative national cohesion in the fight against the common enemy, I fully agree” with the declaration of the state of emergency.

In a statement released today, the OM also warns the population, warning that there will be a progressive worsening of Covid-19 in the coming weeks, and that it is necessary to maintain “total adherence” to preventive measures.

“Only upstream intervention in the interruption of transmission chains can prevent and prevent the breakdown of the National Health System (SNS),” says OM in the statement, transmitting what he calls a message of serenity and responsibility, to remember that the fight against the pandemic depends on everyone, and on each one, being “essential” compliance with individual and collective protection measures.

The president and the crisis office also stand in solidarity with health professionals in the fight against the pandemic, that is, those in localities at the limit of technical and human resources, and reiterates the need for the urgent hiring of doctors and other health professionals, also highlighting the participation and “indispensable collaboration” of the Portuguese Armed Forces in this national emergency situation “which should have been anticipated and activated before.”

The reinforcement of the “urgent need” for an articulated and common management, at the national level, of the available human resources and hospitalization, in the current phase of the pandemic, is also defended in the statement, which concludes by recalling the quote from the philosopher Greek Socrates: Health is not everything, but everything is nothing without Health ”.

The measures of the state of emergency, approved on Saturday by the Government, foresee that in 121 municipalities, where there is a “high risk of transmission of covid-19”, it covers 70% of the resident population, including all the municipalities of the Metropolitan Areas from Lisbon and Porto, circulation will be limited for the next two weekends, between 1:00 p.m. on Saturday and 5:00 a.m. on Sunday and 1:00 p.m. on Sunday and 5:00 a.m. on Monday.

The executive also approved other measures for the continent, such as the possibility of measuring body temperature by non-invasive means and requiring diagnostic tests for covid-19, limiting six people to groups in restaurants, except from the same home. and the possibility of requesting resources, means and health facilities from the private and social sector, after an attempt to reach a pact and with fair compensation.
