Oporto OPI patient dies infected with covid-19



In total, there are 11 people infected with covid-19, eight patients and three health professionals, linked to the institution.

After confirming the appearance of an outbreak in the building, the Porto IPO announced the first fatality infected with covid-19 in the institution, in a note sent to the newsrooms. Four more people tested positive for the new coronavirus, the IPO said in the note.

The patient who died infected with the new virus had an “advanced cancer disease and suffered several serious complications in the postoperative period, as a result of which he died,” it can be read.

In total, there are 11 people infected with covid-19, eight patients and three health professionals, linked to the institution. In the last 24 hours, three more patients and one professional tested positive for COVID-19.

The outbreak appeared on the eighth floor of hospitalization (surgery). A source from the OPI assures that “these patients are in the process of being transferred to the hospitals in their area of ​​residence, as indicated by the regulations of the General Directorate of Health.”

For now, the source of the outbreak is still being investigated. In a statement, the hospital said that all inpatients in Building A (surgery) will be screened to ensure the safety of all patients and healthcare professionals. “This Saturday 32 additional tests were carried out, all of which were negative. On Sunday, the rest of the tests will be carried out with the same objective ”, he adds.
