only one per country and linked to health authorities – Observer


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Google and Apple are developing a technology to digitally track people who have been around other people infected with the new coronavirus. This system, which will be available for smartphones with an iOS (iPhone) or Android operating system, may be one of the weapons chosen to try to limit the spread of the pandemic. However, and After the doubts that arose (mainly about privacy), US companies announced basic rules for anyone who wants to use this technology, how to limit its use by country.

Using the API [tecnologia base de rastreio] It will be limited to one application per country to promote widespread user adoption and avoid fragmentation. If a country has opted for a regional or state approach, companies are prepared to support these authorities, “say Google and Apple.

Among these standard norms, or basic style book, published Monday by representatives of Apple and Google, the one that stands out the most is the obligation of applications that use this technology to have to “To be created by or for a governmental public health entity”. In addition, companies report that these tools “Can only be used to respond to efforts against Covid-19”.

However, these are not the only rules that companies are imposing on anyone who wants to use this technology. As required by the European Union, Apple and Google require that Any application developed with this mechanism must ask users for consent to be used and share the results with health authorities.. Also, any application you will not be able to access the device location data.

North American companies also say that “applications should collect only the minimum amount of data needed and can only use them for COVID-19,” and they cannot be done. “All other uses, including targeted marketing”.

With this novelty, companies also report that they are regularly updating the technical protocols necessary for the Bluetooth use of this technology. The specifications and the answer to the main questions in the construction of these applications for the Apple system can be seen here and for the Google system here.

With this technology, the goal of Google and Apple is the system used to allow the transmission of short-lived anonymous personal data through the Bluetooth technology of mobile phones. With an application installed that uses the system of these companies, smartphones can transmit the last 14 days of contacts to each other and try to understand if the user has communicated with someone possibly infected. Theoretically, when you receive the information that you have contacted someone infected, you will never know who the person was.

This type of solutions and data use has been discussed and is beginning to be implemented throughout Europe. In the United Kingdom, the Czech Republic, Norway and also in Portugal, these technologies are being developed. In Spain, the government approved in March the surveillance of citizen movements using data from telecommunications operators. Switzerland is monitoring the level of compliance with the social restriction with this type of tool.
