Only four people in cafes next to schools, rotation and telecommuting. What changes on September 15 – Observer


Rules to avoid concentrations in public transport at rush hour, which suffer a delay in work and in schools, with different entry and exit times and breaks and meals, but also the rotation between teleworking and face-to-face work. Banning of groups of more than four people in cafes and pastry shops near schools, to avoid the spread of the virus. And regional rapid intervention brigades, with nurses and diagnostic technicians, prepared to act in homes with suspected cases. These are some of the main measures presented by António Costa at the end of the Council of Ministers that approved the rules for the state of contingency in which the country will enter as of Tuesday 15.

There are also new hours for commercial establishments and restaurants in regions outside the Lisbon Metropolitan Area and, as already known, meetings of only ten people are allowed throughout the country.

Gatherings of more than 10 people are once again banned and stricter rules are imposed on business hours: closing times that have been in force in the Lisbon region apply.

Meetings limited to 10 people;

Commercial establishments cannot open before 10 a.m. M. (Except for exceptions);

Closing hours of the establishments between 20 and 23 hours, by municipal decision;

In the restaurant areas of the shopping center, maximum limit of 4 people per group;

Prohibition of sale of alcoholic beverages in service stations and, after 8 pm, in all establishments (except meals);

Prohibition of the consumption of alcoholic beverages on public roads.

In addition to what is already known, the great novelty for the state of contingency in which Portugal will begin on the 15th when they return to school is the limitation of four people per group in the cafes and pastry shops around the schools.

Return to face-to-face classes, between September 14 and 17;

Adaptation of the functioning of schools to the new health reality;

Contingency plans in all schools;

Distribution of PPE (masks, visors, etc.);

Reference of action in case of suspected case, positive case or outbreaks;

In restaurants, cafes and pastry shops 300 m from schools, maximum limit of 4 people per group.

One measure to prevent the spread of Covid in homes, one of the biggest concerns at the moment, is the creation of district emergency brigades with nurses and diagnostic technicians.

District rapid intervention brigades to contain and stabilize outbreaks in homes.

It was a well-known move: the return of the public to stadiums and other sports venues is not soon. Graça Freitas, the General Director of Health, had announced it at the last DGS press conference.

Sports venues remain without public

Regarding the return to work, and as the Observer has advanced, the Government is taking several measures to avoid concentrations in public transport and in the workplaces of the metropolitan areas of Lisbon and Porto, such as the delay in working hours. arrival and departure (in schools and at work) and the rotation scales between teleworking and face-to-face work.

Mirror equipment;

Rotation scales between telework and face-to-face work;

Mandatory time delay;

Differentiated arrival and departure times;

Different times for breaks and meals;

Reduction of pendulum movements.
