One in four Portuguese wants to wait until they decide to vaccinate against Covid-19


While 61 percent say they will get the vaccine as soon as it is called, 19 percent say they will postpone their turn to get the injection “for some time,” five percent say they will postpone “a long time.”

Eight percent of those surveyed even say they won’t want to get vaccinated. Another eight percent say they don’t know yet or don’t want to answer. In this question, no significant differences were found between age groups.

Respondents agree on the state of emergency

The state of emergency was agreed by 85 percent of the respondents. Two percent do not know and do not respond.

There are 13 percent of people who do not agree with the current state of emergency; 5.2 percent consider that the measures are exaggerated and unnecessary; 4.4 percent rate the measures as adequate, but unnecessary, considering that people would take precautions; and 3.4 percent considered that the measures were insufficient and preferred to see more restrictive measures implemented.
Christmas and New Years
As for the measures taken by the Government for Christmas, 62 percent agree with the measures, 28 percent believe that they should be stricter and eight percent believe that they should be more relaxed. Three percent do not know or do not respond.

As for New Year’s Eve, 59 percent of respondents agree with the measures, 31% consider that the measures are more strict and 8% consider that they should be more strict.

Almost half of those surveyed (49 percent) say they “only comply with the emergency tax,” while 38 percent say they have done more than required by the DGS and the Government. Seven percent say it goes well beyond recommendations and determinations. Five percent confess that they are unable to comply with everything that is imposed on them.

Only 0.2 percent of those surveyed say they do not agree and do not comply with the imposed provisions.

PR with the best rating
The President of the Republic is the one who has the best evaluation in this pandemic context. 57% consider that it had a “good / very good” action, 34% consider that the performance is “reasonable” and 7% consider it “bad / very bad”.

In comparison, there was a decrease in the number of those who considered the performance “good / very good”: it was 61 percent in July and now it is 57 percent. But there was also a decrease in the number of people who considered the performance “bad / very bad”. It was ten percent in July and now it’s down to seven percent.

For 45 percent of respondents, the prime minister’s performance was “reasonable” (36% in July), for 41% it was “good / very good” (in July it was 51%). For 13 percent it was “bad or very bad.”

The Minister of Health will have had a “reasonable” performance for 49 percent of the people, “good / very good” for 32 percent and 16 percent will consider it “bad or very bad.”

DGS has performed “reasonable” for 47% of the respondents, 37% consider it “good / very good” and 14% of the respondents consider it “bad / very bad”.

For 65 percent of those surveyed, the performance of health professionals has been “very good.” For 25 percent it was considered “good” and for seven percent it was “reasonable”. Only two percent considered it “bad” or “very bad.”


The state of the National Health Service and hospitals is considered “reasonable” by 39 percent, 31 percent considered it “good”. For ten percent, the SNS is considered “Very good”, an equal number of respondents who consider it “Evil”. Four percent consider it “very bad.” Six percent do not know or do not respond.

According to this survey, the perceived danger of the virus to yourself increases with age. However, there is a perception of high risk for the general population, in all age groups.

Data sheet

This survey was carried out by CESOP – Universidade Católica Portuguesa for RTP and Public between December 4 and 11, 2020. The target universe is made up of voters residing in Portugal. Respondents were randomly selected from a list of landline and mobile phone numbers, also generated at random. All interviews were conducted by telephone (CATI). Respondents were informed of the purpose of the study and demonstrated their willingness to participate. 1,315 valid surveys were obtained, with 48% of respondents women, 30% from the North, 20% from the Center, 36% from Lisbon AM, 6% from Alentejo, 4% from the Algarve, 2% from Madeira and 2% of the Azores. Next, all the results obtained were weighted according to the distribution of the population by sex, age groups and region based on the electoral census and INE estimates. The response rate was 34%. The maximum margin of error associated with a random sample of 1,315 respondents is 2.7%, with a confidence level of 95%.
