Ondulação places five districts of the continent and Madeira on notice – Atualidade


The districts of Leiria, Lisbon, Setúbal, Beja and Faro will be on notice between the hours of 9:00 am and 9:00 pm due to maritime agitation, anticipating west waves with 4 to 4.5 meters.

Either IPMA also issued a warning to the north coast of Madeira and Porto Santo due to maritime agitation between 10:00 a.m. and 06:00 a.m.-February.

Or notice that it is issued by IPMA whenever there is a cliff situation for certain activities dependent on the meteorological situation.

As long as the state of time, or IPMA foresees for the non-continent leaf, generally very cloudy and periods of chuva ou aguaceiros, which could be locally strong and occasionally accompanied by trovoada and cracks of wind forts, and eventually hail in the North and Central regions, decreasing in frequency and intensity in the Sul region from late afternoon.

It is also planned that the failure will be moderate to quadrante sul, moderately blowing to the coast of the Cape Mondego at the beginning of the afternoon in the upper terras of the center and at the end of the afternoon.

The forecast also adds to a small rise in the minimum temperature in the North and Center regions.
