On the verge of a nervous breakdown? Six tips for dealing with stress


PRecent research suggests that many people experienced moderate to severe psychological impacts during the initial outbreak of Covid-19 in China. This is a very normal response and we can take some practical steps to manage it effectively. It is important that we do this for several reasons.

First, managing our stress levels has a significant and positive impact on our immune system, and the World Health Organization has emphasized that boosting our immune system and taking proper preventive care plays a crucial role in the fight. coronavirus. Improving our ability to cope will also improve our overall well-being and the likelihood of fighting the virus. This situation is likely to continue and possibly worsen in the coming weeks; It is important that we implement strategies to deal with stress now, so that it does not overwhelm us, and we can remain present and strong for our families, friends and colleagues.

Here are six scientific tips for helpyou to maintain mental well-being for pandemic from Covid-19:

Find out how you feel: The first step in dealing with increased stress and anxiety is first recognizing that you are dealing with it. Stress can manifest itself in various ways, including sadness, confusion, irritability, procrastination, physical tension and pain in the body, lack of energy and even trouble sleeping. We all have a different response to stress, and it is important to get to know each other physically and mentally, daily, to discover how we feel and to recognize the symptoms of stress. Ignoring this step and ignoring how we feel hinders our ability to control our stress.

The meaning of things: It’s tempting to dismiss our feelings, especially at a time like this, when we all try to cope and stay strong for those around us. But the reality is that stress responses are how our bodies protect us, and early warning signs, such as feeling angry or tired, can be crucial indicators that we must intervene before stress becomes overwhelming. The human body has adapted for many centuries to be able to react and protect itself from external threats, such as pandemic general health, so it’s perfectly normal to experience a stress response right now. Get used to spending time every day to realize this in yourself and understand the situation to avoid stress.

Small changes, big impacts: The good news about dealing with the first signs of stress is that small changes in our daily routine often tend to make a big difference. These daily rituals and routines differ for everyone and depend on their typical stress response. For example, if you normally experience physical stress, such as tiredness or body tension, you may decide to go to bed 30 minutes earlier than normal or take time to take a relaxing bath.

Avoid the pitfalls of common thinking: An important element in building these strategies is recognizing what you can control and releasing the need to control what you cannot control. There are practical things we can all do in the situation. stream to protect ourselves and our loved ones. This includes good personal hygiene and the practice of social detachment, but there is also a lot that we have no control over. It sounds simple, but reflect about these things it doesn’t help. So take a moment to acknowledge these things and then let go. Try to be aware of the many myths that can be misleading and prevent us from focusing on what is under our control. Avoid making situations bigger than they are; or the other trap of common thinking, which is where we predict a future state that is based on our greatest fears about the facts of the situation.

A small step: Increasing our level of exercise can be one of the easiest and most effective ways to increase our mental well-being and strengthen our system. immune. While brisk walking may not be possible, there are many routines we can do in our homes to help us get around. And even better, is if you can have a family member or friend to accompanypersonally or virtually.

The human connection: While we all practice social detachment, it is important not to forget the need for a human connection at this time. A more useful way of thinking about this may be physical distance, so as not to neglect the need for a social connection with our friends and family, as this is another important element to combat stress. Verifying with others through a phone call or video chat can also serve two purposes, as the other person may also need a friendly human connection.

Now more than ever we must prioritize our individual health, and that includes our mental well-being. Take advantage of these six tips to recognize your feelings and maintain your overall mental health as we travel together through the Covid-19.

If you find that your signs are difficult to manage, consider seeking professional help.

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