OFFICIAL: Pedro Pinto leaves TVI and will lead Benfica’s communication


Benfica issued a statement announcing the hiring of Pedro Pinto, who will leave the pivot role of TVI to assume leadership of all Benfica communication. The journalist said goodbye to TVI viewers this Sunday, live at the end of Jornal das 8, now preparing to enter the red club, which takes effect from January 1.

Read the full statement:

«Sport Lisboa e Benfica and Sport Lisboa e Benfica – Futebol, SAD inform that Pedro Pinto will assume the position of CCO – Chief Communications Officer as of January 1, 2021.

Pedro Pinto will be responsible for directing all Benfica’s communication in all areas.

Pedro Pinto has a prestigious and recognized trajectory of more than 20 years of connection with journalism and university education. His hiring reinforces the broad communication transformation strategy that Benfica intends to undertake.

A new stage and a new chapter in your professional career, which we hope will be as successful as the one that has been trodden here.

Lisbon, November 22, 2020 »
