Obama classifies as “absolute chaotic disaster” gestão Trump gives pandemic


ANDThis blunt criticism, even more explicitly Obama I tied agora, foi feita pelo ex-President democrat na passada sixth-feira num telephone conversation of meia hora com ex-collaborators two governments that led, second uma gravação that a Yahoo News obtained.

Nesta talks, Barack Obama invokes resposta à crise sanitária to justify the need for leaders and leaders to appeal to their conselheiros to join Joe’s campaign Biden, his former vice-president and democratic candidate to the presidency of november against Donald Trump.

“The next election is very important to several níveis. We will hardly face an individual or a political party,” disse Obama, saluting that or true adversary is only “as the tendencies to long term, how to be tribal, to create division and to see the others as enemies”.

Ainda very popular among the Democrats, Obama Tinha ha deixado understand that Trump has re-viewed the notices on the cliffs pandemic.

Donald Trump is accused, critical hair, of ter, first moment, minimized to ameaça, depois de ter given contradictory and confusing instructions, among the requests for caution and the pressa to see the economy to resume.

Second is this burden, Obama It also addressed a controversial decision of the North American Ministry that justifies the withdrawal of the accusation against Micheal Flynn, ex-minister of Trump, accused of lying to us, contacts us with a Russian diplomat.

“There has been no precedent that it can be found so that a person accused of perjury can go unpunished. This is the type of situation that we can start to fear in our basic statement of a state of affairs. When we follow this path, we can quickly go to others places, “he warned.

The United States is the country or country with the most deaths (77,180) and the most cases of infeção confirmed (more than 1,2 milhões).

On a global level, the second balance of the news agency AFP, to pandemic of covid-19 já provocou mais de 274 thousand mortos e infetou More than 3.9 milhões de pessoas in 195 countries and territories.

More than 1.2 milhões de doentes foram considered cured.

In Portugal, more than 1,126 people of 27,406 days confirmed as infected, and has 2,499 cases recovered, according to Direction-Geral da Saúde.

A doença is broadcast on um novo coronavirus detected no end of dezembro, em Wuhan, a city in the center of China.

To combat pandemic, the governments will send home 4,5 thousand milhões de pessoas (mais de metade da população do Planeta), locked up or commercially essential and drastically reduced or air traffic, paralyzing sectors interest of the world economy.

Face a diminution of new doctors in intensive care and of contgios, several countries will start to develop reduction plans confinement and in some cases to alleviate various measures.

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