Nuno Lobo responds to the president: «This club is not called FC Pinto da Costa» – FC Porto


List B candidate leaves repairs to current position of dragon leader

After Pinto da Costa said that Nuno Lobo did not have to worry about naming him honorary president, the candidate for the B list for the presidency of FC Porto responded to the current dragon leader and made it clear that he has several reasons to worry today.

“Four or five days ago there was a news story about Pinto da Costa worrying about my concern. Nuno Lobo is not worried. Who should it be is Pinto da Costa. Because instead of reacting to what I said, he should react for example for Dr. Cláudia Santos, who reacted to FC Porto’s communications regarding emails, gates 18, court officials, and also forgets his communication. Don’t forget that, after two days, he quickly reacted to what I said in an And then took two days give an interview to the Porto Channel about what happened at FC Porto – Rio Ave. And he asked the fans to believe in the seriousness of the referees. This is what worries me. with this direction, “he said, after leaving Dragão, after knowing the letter with which his candidacy would be presented and the molds in which the electoral act will take place.

“This is a process that is already very long and we do not see any problem in which it is scheduled for days 6 and 7. Now, it is strange. In two days a lot can be done. It will be so for security reasons. But day 7 there is a game of FC Porto. I don’t know how it will be, I don’t know if it will be by numbers, we still have no idea. The date has been decided, but someone can challenge that. This is a new candidacy, it is a people’s candidacy. It is possible to be with the members. But it has to be this way, it will be this way. We do all this for FC Porto. FC Porto is above all. In this young bet, they have to know one thing: this club is called FC Porto and not FC Pinto da Costa “, he concluded.

By José Miguel Machado


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