Number of infected “is reliable”, but DGS asks for “caution”


The Secretary of State for Health said this Friday at the daily conference of the DGS that the country has overcome “the installed capacity of 11 thousand tests per day”, reaffirming that “the increase in the number of tests is not reflects proportional increase in positive samples. “

António Sales said that this week they were distributed 272,000 tests by regional administrations and in the autonomous communities, 8 thousand more than originally planned.

“The response has been dynamic and adjustable to the epidemiological phase”, maintained, adding that “The first 5,000 molecular biology tests will soon be distributed”, that is, “tests that allow results in 45 minutes or 1 hour and that should preferably be used in a hospital setting”, that is, in cases of emergency, preoperative or treatment in âscope oncology

According to the minister, “today’s date”, the capacity of the fans was reinforced by 426 more. “These, he said, are the result of requests, donations and loans, as well as the reinforcement of existing fans (87 have already recovered).

Recalling the difficulties and the delay of the purchased material, António Sales also announced that a flight from China with 65 fans is scheduled for next week, with the rest arriving, staggeredin the next two weeks.

Regarding the availability of beds in intensive care, the Secretary of State said that this is variable and that there are “very different situations across the country.” However, “we have around 350 level 3 beds available at the moment.”

We also need to renew the confidence that this is the path that we all have to continue walking.

Third week of state of emergency

Regarding the stage the country is in, upon entering almost the third week of the State of Emergency, the Secretary of State emphasized that “We also need to renew the confidence that this is the path that we must all follow”, adding that “unfortunately there are no shortcuts”. “In this decisive moment, and of great responsibility, it is important that we do not allow the results of the enormous sacrifice of the last weeks to be lost”, still appealed.

Still on Sunday, and with regard to the tests in general, António Sales reported that 900 thousand tests arrived in Portugal, and the day before yesterday, 10,000 test kits extraction manual which together with the swabs“gives us a good ability to proof

Asked about the number of doctors intensivists, the Secretary of State recalled that there are 250 of these professionals in Portugal, adding that there is a group of other professionals “capable of using ventilators and working in intensive care units.”

António Sales also reiterated the appeal to patients who do not Covid-19 so they are not “afraid of going to hospitals”. “Use the family doctor, health line 24 and, if necessary, you can use the emergency services”reinforced

The resume of normal life should be “balanced”

In response to questions from journalists, Graça Freitas said that “there are countries with completely different curves” and that those who are thinking of resuming exercise normal staggered or not, they do so due to the evolution of respective Curves “There were curves that flattened out and were close to stable growth situations.” That said, he pointed out the director-Generally, “the countries have recommended different things”, be it different strategies for different professional groups, as in the measures themselves.

Graça Freitas recalled that the DGS He always followed international recommendations, explaining that the use of community masks is part of “an immense set of measures” that have also not been mandatory. The main measure, he emphasized, is frequent hand hygiene. This is a “primary” measure, as well as “social distance” and even respiratory etiquette, he listed. It is also important to “clean the surfaces”, keeping in mind that the virus survives for hours.

Masks is another measure, which serves “as a barrier”, which is part of the set of measures that are being “recommended by countries to allow us to get out of the confinement and isolation we are in. ” We will have to balance two things, return to normality as possible, but that normality must be carried out with other practices, “he said.

“We have to try and do everything possible to return to our exercise social and labor, but we have to do it in a balanced way, “stressed Graça Freitas, Stressing that the virus has a life of its own, it is like a spring, and that the Portuguese population “will have to learn to live with three dynamicsmicas different: health services, society and the virus itself. “

“If we can do this, we will not abolish the negative effects of pandemic, but at least we attenuate and reduce, reconcile with what we want is to have a exercise social and economic that we had before the era greedy“he said, asking the Portuguese for” discipline “.

We cannot be too pessimistic on a day when there is an increase, nor optimistic in a day when there is a reduction

Number of deaths and infected low

About today’s newsletter data, which represents a number of new infected of only 181, Graça Freitas assured that it is “a certain and confirmed number”.

“We asked practically the entire country if it would correspond to reality, [181] It is a reliable number, but we have to look carefully, “stressed the person in charge, asking for” caution “in the interpretation of the data. “It is a day, we cannot look at just one day, we have to look at a series of time”he said.

However, the reality is that “This number is also consistent with both the plateau we were on and the downward trend of the plateau and also consistent with the projections of scientists. “

Despite this, “we have to wait a few more days and see if the trend continues.” That is, “We cannot be too pessimistic on a day when there is an increase, nor optimistic in a day when there is reduction “. It is true that “we have had a flattening of the curve, a plateau with a downward trend, but we have to wait more days to know the meaning of today’s numbers,” he insisted.

Check out the daily press conference below:

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