Novichok lowered Navalny’s body temperature to 33.5 degrees


Following Novichok’s poisoning, German doctors released the clinical details of Russian opponent Alexei Navalny. In addition to falling into a coma, the body temperature dropped to 33.5 degrees Celsius, confirms the Berlin Hospital.

The four-page medical article, published in the scientific journal The Lancet, revealed Alexei Navalny’s entire medical condition after he was poisoned with Novichok in August. After the first symptoms, the Russian opponent fell into a coma, his heart rate dropped and his body temperature reached 33.5 degrees Celsius.

“His good health before the poisoning probably favored recovery,” say the scientists. The substance was only identified several days after the intoxication diagnosis, which will not have affected the medical decisions made.

Navalny recently discovered that the assassination attempt came from the Russian secret services. The Russian opposition leader released a recording of a phone call with an FSB agent who confesses to the crime and confirms that the poison was placed in his underwear. However, the man was accused of suffering “delusions of persecution” by Moscow, assuring that there was no evidence.

The Berlin Hospital publication had the consent of Navalny, who regarded the article as the missing medical “proof.” “The most important thing is that Vladimir Putin is relieved. At each press conference, he would exclaim, waving his hands ‘when will the Germans provide their data?’ … It doesn’t matter anymore, the medical data is published and available. ” for the whole world ”, he reacted with irony, on Facebook.

The European Union has already demanded explanations from the Kremlin and has applied sanctions, which will be answered by Russia next Tuesday.
