Not all vaccines are going to be used now. The priority professionals are not yet defined. The details of the vaccination plan for Covid-19 – The …


The Shared Services of the Ministry of Health (SPMS) will make available to the Health Center Groups (ACES) a list of users identified for vaccination against Covid-19, based on criteria defined by the DGS, by phase and health unit.

Members of workgroup further explained to the observer that not all health centers will administer Pfizer vaccines due to their characteristics. Users belonging to smaller Primary Health Care units will be called to other larger health centers in their geographical area.

It will be up to the health centers to contact the users to start the vaccination process with the users and this contact will be made through SMS. The Government has already sent about 20 thousand mobile phones for the Regional Health Administrations (ARS) to be distributed to Primary Health Care units that do not have material to contact users, members of the workgroup to the observer.

After identifying the patients, the health centers send an SMS the user to know if there is interest in vaccination against Covid-19. The user must answer “YES” or “NO”.

  • I know answer “NO”: the process stops here
  • I know Do not answer: health centers try to contact the user in other ways.
  • I know answer “YES“: The schedule is current and a new SMS will be sent with the date, time and place of the vaccination.
  • I know answer “NO” to the schedule: health centers try to contact the user in other ways.

According to members of the workgroup, as people who have already been infected with Covid-19 can also receive the vaccine, because the Government will not do this monitoring.

Health professionals will also have training and awareness on vaccine administration through webinars, with content defined by the General Directorate of Health (DGS). The training begins this Saturday, December 20 and will be carried out in collaboration with Pfizer.

The government “will develop a vaccine administration monitoring system that will be linked to the distribution system for the management and programming of stocks,” the document reads. It will be this system that will control the administration of the vaccine “by region, location, type of vaccine” among others.

The Executive also foresees an “expansion of the network of vaccination points”, the criteria of which will be defined taking into account the schedule and the pace of vaccine supply. However, this will not happen before March.

As progress was made in the presentation of the Vaccination Plan against Covid-19, the document foresees a Communication plan which will involve a multimedia campaign, a website with centralized information on the vaccination process and support lines to answer questions from citizens. The Government will also have the collaboration of municipalities and social entities to reach the population more easily.
