Noronha Lopes: “Vieira invited me to be vice president of Benfica” – Benfica


Candidate confirms record news

João Noronha Lopes, candidate for the presidency of Benfica, confirmed the news of Record who had lunch with Luís Filipe Vieira in July, ensuring that he was invited by the current president to join his list.

“It is true [que almocei com Vieira em julho antes de anunciar a minha candidatura]. At that time, they invited me to be vice president of their board of directors, ”the manager began, explaining that she always said ‘no’.


Luís Filipe Vieira and Noronha Lopes together for lunch in July

“First by telephone contact, and then, despite my refusal, through personal contact. At that lunch, I had the opportunity to tell you why I would never support you and would never be on your list. And the reasons for my refusal are the The same ones that led me to present my candidacy “, justified Noronha Lopes.” We have reached the end of a cycle and we have to turn the page. We want a more ambitious Benfica focused on sporting success, we want a Benfica that puts the members at the center of the club’s life. We want a more transparent and credible Benfica, “he added.

The candidate for the presidency of Benfica also explained that Vieira tried to use a strategy to “nullify some opponents” and once again challenged the current president to debate with the other candidates. “Despite this denial, Vieira guaranteed that he had a place on his list waiting for me. Perhaps in the hope that the strategy he had in the past to nullify some opponents would work for me. It doesn’t work. in these elections to win, to fight for what I believe are the interests of our club. And I challenge the candidate Luís Filipe Viera again: do not hide. Come and debate with all the candidates. Not out of respect for the candidates, but out of respect for our club members ”, concluded Noronha Lopes.

by Record


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