No circulation as of 6 pm, shops and restaurants closed as of 5 pm next weekends – DNOTICIAS.PT


The Regional Government, meeting today (January 7), in plenary session, has just decided on new measures to control the pandemic. Restrictions on the population have been ‘tightened’ and trade and catering are also subject to measures, which are expected to come into effect during the next two weekends (January 9 and 10, Saturday and Sunday, and 16 and January 17, Saturday is Sunday).

Driving ban

During the next two weekends, circulation on public roads is prohibited between 6 pm and 5 am the next day. The exceptions are those contained in the Resolution of the Governing Council of January 4.

Restriction of commercial activity

Over the next two weekends, all stores, including department stores and supermarkets, will be closed from 5:00 p.m. (opening from 8:00 a.m.). The exceptions are: pharmacies; clinics and offices; fuel filling stations (for vehicle filling only).

Restaurants / Bars and Similar

In the coming weekends, these establishments close at 5 pm. Taking into account the circulation limitation, take-out meals and home deliveries will be closed in the aforementioned periods.

In the note sent to the press, the Regional Government emphasizes that “these measures are imposed in the current pandemic situation, taking into account the priority need to defend and protect public health, keeping the economy functioning.”

In fact, the Autonomous Region of Madeira had a substantial increase in COVID-19 cases in the last week, reaching a daily average of around 100 cases ”.

This increase that he considers “expected”, given the entry of countless travelers, university students and immigrants for the celebration of the Christmas season, as well as the associated gatherings, as well as the introduction of the new UK variant in our transmission chains. “.

“Of the 95 positive cases identified in the second test, in December, 25 were of the new variant, with 70% more potential for contagion,” reveals the executive, noting that in line with what is happening in the rest of the world “. An increase in the number of contagion cases is expected, due to the contacts that occurred during the end of the year and the transmission of the new variant.”

In other words, in the Autonomous Region of Madeira even more measures are needed to contain and control the pandemic ”.

The Regional Government reiterates the importance of maintaining “individual protection measures, use of a mask, hand hygiene and physical distance, as well as avoiding meetings of people.”
