Nine positive cases linked to the funeral of português em França – O Jornal Economico


The French authorities will announce that the funeral of a 51-year-old Portuguese in Dordonha has never caused nine positive cases of covid-19 in the region and 127 people have been tested.

To the Agência Regional de Saúde da Nova Aquitânia, the region where Dordonha is located, he announced this afternoon at a press conference that the focus of covid-19 had been brought to the funeral of a 51-year-old Portuguese originating nine positive cases in agora.

In these cases, I hear that people are from the family and that they belong to a company that trabalharia or português died. Nenhum of these infected presents serious symptoms of doença, pointed out Michel Laforcade, director of the Agência Regional de Saúde da Nova Aquitânia.

Just as it has been announced on the 6th of February, or reason for this new focus, it will have been an agglomeration above which funeral celebrations are permitted.

In spite of the funeral celebration in the Igreja ter respected or limit of 20 people, as indicated by “France Bleu”, both in the mortuary and in the family reunion, or number of people that will be together for a long time above isso.

This situation was reported to Agência Lusa on the 6th of February by João Carlos Sousa, President of the Portuguese Association Lusitanos 24, with headquarters in Marsac sur L’Isle, na Dordonha.

“It is not understood that despite the fact that I organized a funeral, so many people had chosen to enter, because or limit for a funeral only 20 people. And, secondly, it was a lot more than what is. “, Stated João Carlos Sousa.

Or prefeito da região, Frédéric Périssat, alerted the microphones of “France Bleu” that “this is an illustration that it is not desired that it should happen as the final confinement”.

“This is what we do not want to happen in the next three weeks [após o fim do confinamento em França], a carelessness in family reunions or we found ourselves among visitors where a single person is going to contaminate a significant number of people, ”he said.

Até agora, second to the Agência Regional de Saúde da Nova Aquitânia, já foram tested 127 people who received no funeral or received in contact with people who the estiveram and the nine cases foram identified the results of 103 tests. The result of two remaining tests must be made at the end of the day of the day.

The funeral was held at the end of April in the hamlet of Église-Neuve-de-Vergt, in Dordonha and it will be covered by people not only in the region, but also in familiar wines from Switzerland and Portugal.

The first case was detected on May 1 and, from there, the health authorities of the region carried out an investigation to identify all the possible virus carriers linked to this funeral.

Since or since the start of the pandemic, Dordonha had not registered 237 confirmed cases of covid-19, currently 27 people hospitalized and one of them is in serious condition.
