New year, new prices


LIGHT The bill will go down for all customers, whether in the regulated market or in the liberalized market, but in the latter there may be a price “war”, depending on the company that provides the service.
Even so, according to simulations carried out by the Energy Services Regulatory Authority (ERSE), the combined effect of the 0.6% reduction in tariffs in 2021 and the 13% VAT allows saving between 20 and 30 euros per year on the bill of the light. . The regulator recalls that the final value of the invoices is the result of the sum of three different quotas – access to networks, energy prices and tariffs and taxes – to maintain that the reduction in VAT on electricity “will have a reduction effect final bill paid by consumers covered by the measure ”. For clients that remain in the regulated market, around 5%, the equivalent of less than one million consumers, the reduction will be 0.6%.

WATER The prices will depend on each municipality and the figures for 2021 will be released in a dropper by the municipalities. The Sintra Chamber has already announced that it will keep prices unchanged next year. The same example was followed on Gaia. However, despite the efforts of some municipalities, the water bill is expected to increase for most families. This is the 100% increase (from 11 to 22 euros) in the waste management fee, scheduled to come into effect from January 2021, according to the Association of Portuguese Companies of the Environmental Sector (AEPSA). According to the agency’s accounts, the rate hike will be reflected in an increase in the water bill of between 4% and 5% for consumers. In the industrial sector, the increase is expected to be even more significant, in the order of 15% to 20%.

MILK The price of milk is expected to remain in 2021. The guarantee was granted by the National Federation of Cooperatives of Milk Producers (Fenalac). “There is a tendency to maintain the levels, but it depends much more on the position of the distribution. There are no great indicators that say that prices are going to go up or down ”. However, the entity admits that the shortage of feed for the animals caused by meteorological phenomena “may be a factor in some reduction in production” and may have long-term effects on prices. The increase in the minimum wage and the increase in the prices of raw materials for animal feed can also be factors of pressure for a price increase. Less optimistic is the Association of Milk Producers of Portugal (Aprolep) in defending the increase in the price of milk to the producer, in a year in which they continued working despite the pandemic, but in which the price was below the European average.

FUELS AND TOBACCO The price of fuel is a real up and down and varies every week, depending on the prices of raw materials. And although prices may vary from one position to another – since the price that is set on the network must also take into account the level of competition, supply and demand of each market – it has a novelty this year. Consumers will pay a new carbon tax of € 0.54 for gasoline and € 0.58 for diesel. The price of a packet of tobacco is expected to rise 10 cents in 2021, according to the accounts of the consulting firm Deloitte, with the objective of based on the proposed State Budget for 2021. The explanation is simple: next year the formula for calculating tobacco tax. The consultancy thus concludes that “this change implies a tax increase of approximately 0.05 euros for each pack of cigarettes, which, predictably, will correspond to an increase of 0.10 euros in the retail price of the same pack.” .

COMMUNICATIONS Only MEO stated that it will update the base price of the monthly rate in rates / packages. Both NOS and Vodafone guarantee that they will maintain the current values ​​that are charged to customers. Another change concerns the end of the value-added lines in customer service. The measure was approved in Parliament and now prevents suppliers of goods and service providers from providing “special value-added numbers with the prefix ‘7’ for telephone contact of consumers or customers”, or “only special numbers, nomadic numbers with the prefix ’30’, or blue numbers with the prefix ‘808’ ”for telephone contact with consumers or customers.

me The price per square meter (m2) for the purposes of calculating the municipal property tax (IMI) and the assignment of the fiscal equity value (VPT) will remain in 2021 at 615 euros, as this year and in 2019. The information was published in Diário da República. The price of 615 euros is made up of the average value of the construction, which is set annually at the proposal of the National Commission for the Evaluation of Urban Building, which remains at 492 euros, to which is added 25% of this same amount set by the Government, which corresponds to the m2 of the implantation land. And it is determined taking into account, that is, the direct and indirect charges that are borne in the construction of the building, such as those related to materials, labor, equipment, administration, energy, communications and other consumables, explains the IMI Code. It is used in the formula for calculating the VPT of urban buildings for housing, commerce, industry and services. In addition, it is in the VPT that, each year, the IMI rates set by the municipalities where the property is located are levied, varying between a minimum of 0.3% and a maximum of 0.45%.

HEALTH The Government approved the end of the moderation fees for consultations and examinations prescribed in the NHS, a measure contemplated in the State Budget for 2021. In January of this year, the exemption of moderation fees for primary care consultations of Health. The complementary means of diagnosis that are performed in primary health care are also exempt from collection since September 2020. Now all the tests prescribed in primary health care are added, “regardless of whether they are performed in a public, private or social environment ”, He explained. Minister Marta Temido at that time.

RENT The value of rents will remain in 2021, contrary to the trend this year, in which it increased by 0.51%. The inflation rate was zero in August, according to data published by the National Institute of Statistics (INE). It should be remembered that, by law, rental values ​​are generally subject to annual updates that are automatically applied based on inflation. However, owners who want to review the values ​​can do so, respecting a minimum advance of 30 days before the update date, but the update rules are not the same for everyone. This means that if the lease is older than 1990, the tenant can accept the offer, make a counter offer, terminate the lease, or benefit from the exceptions provided by law.

BREAD The prices in this sector are not fixed, so each trader can define the settings they want. However, according to the president of the Northern Association of Bakeries, Pastry Shops and Similar Industries, the price of bread could rise in 2021, after the increase in the minimum wage and the value of raw materials. “Companies are absorbing their costs [de produção e estão também] to be much more efficient. I don’t know what the role of entrepreneurs will be, but I think they may have to transfer it to the price of the products sold, ”said the organization. And remember that the sector has shown resilience to the pandemic, presenting “low rates of dismissal and recourse to layoffs, noting that the economic crisis will lead to a” drop in income and profitability “and a worsening of competition, as well as greater “Customer sensitivity to prices and sharp drop in demand” by the hotel industry.

TRANSPORTATION AND TOLLS The prices of toll roads are expected to continue in 2021, taking into account that the annual inflation rate, without housing, was negative in October (-0.17%).
The stabilization of toll prices in 2020 and 2021 follows four consecutive years of increases: in 2019, toll roads increased 0.98%, after increases of 1.42% in 2018, from 0.84 % in 2017 and 0.62% in 2016. The same scenario is repeated in public transport prices. According to the Mobility and Transportation Authority (AMT), the values ​​will remain unchanged. The only exception are trips on the Alfa Pendular, which will be subject to an increase of 0.5%. For example, a one-way trip between Lisbon and Braga will go from 48.50 euros (in comfort class) and 34.20 euros (tourist) to 48.80 euros and 34.40 euros, respectively.
