New support for micro and SMEs approved and 100% of the salaries of those laid off


The deputies approved this Wednesday proposals that extend support for progressive recovery until 2021, leaving workers with wage cuts, and that provide for the creation of public support for micro and SMEs for the payment of salaries.

At stake are proposals from the PS and the PCP that guarantee the full payment of compensation up to the limit of three minimum wages for workers covered by mechanisms to support the resumption of economic activity, simplified ‘dismissal’ or its substitute and the ‘dismissal’ provided for in the Labor Code.

The non-payment of workers who saw their employment contract suspended or their working hours reduced because the companies where they work are closed or have a shortage of billing due to the covid-19 pandemic was one of the PCP requirements.

This Wednesday, when he announced that the PCP will abstain in the final global vote of the State Budgets for 2021 (OE2021), scheduled for this Thursday, the leader of the Communist Party, João Oliveira, stressed that it is an abstention that guarantees “important proposals and solutions for which “the PCP highlighted, highlighting eight points, starting with” guaranteeing the payment of full wages to all workers.

Along with the guarantee of full salary (provided for both in the PCP proposal and in the one that the PS already reformulated during the voting process in the specialty of OE2021), the PCP proposal contemplates the creation of public support aimed at micro, small and medium businesses. companies (SMEs), up to the value of three minimum wages, to share in the payment of remuneration.

This contribution will be “in 100% of the amount of the remuneration, in cases of total or partial closure of the company or establishment, due to the duty to close facilities and establishments” and “in the proportion corresponding to the breakdown of billing, in the case of business crisis situations “.

This support mechanism will be regulated until 30 days after the entry into force of OE2021.
