New State of Emergency: Learn about the new measures


The situation in Portugal in the face of COVID-19 is very serious. The figures are catastrophic and the forecasts are dire and in this sense it is necessary to reinforce all the exceptional measures for this very difficult moment of the pandemic. It is necessary to join forces and scrupulously comply with the confinement. There is currently no other way to combat the pandemic.

Learn about the new measures for the coming times.

Portugal today registered the worst day of the pandemic. The barrier of 300 dead and the barrier of 15,000 newly infected have been exceeded. According to the report, two people between 20 and 39 years old and 9 people between 40 and 59 years old died. Today's report also reveals that 209 people over the age of 80 died.

The President of the Republic today decreed the renewal of the state of emergency in Portugal until February 14, to allow measures to contain COVID-19, and defended that it is necessary to act quickly and drastically. Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa said that ...

We have to be stricter, more rigorous, more firm in what we do and what we do not do: stay at home, go out only if it is essential and with total personal and social protection. Only in this way will it be possible to carry out tests in time and track potential infected persons, reducing the spread of the virus.

After the Council of Ministers, some measures were announced that will come into force with the new State of Emergency. re

Of the defined measures, the border control should be highlighted, which makes it impossible for the Portuguese to move from the national territory to abroad. It was also indicated that the start of the distance learning period will begin on February 8.

The measures are part of the statement of the Council of Ministers released this Thursday. The explanation was made at a press conference by the Minister of State and Presidency, Mariana Silva da Vieira, and by the Minister of Education, Tiago Brandão Rodrigues.

Main measures for the new state of emergency

  • Online classes from February 8
    • The suspension of educational and teaching activities of public, private and cooperative education establishments and of the social and solidarity sector, preschool education, and basic and secondary education is in effect until February 5, 2021, resuming these activities as of February 8 February in a non-face-to-face way;

    • the suspension of said activities and the non-attendance regime do not prevent the performance of international curricular tests or exams;
    • whenever necessary, therapeutic support provided in special education establishments, schools and also by resource centers for inclusion, as well as additional measures that have been mobilized;
  • The nurseries will be closed for another 15 days.
  • Border control
    • the limitation of movements outside the continental territory of Portuguese citizens, carried out by any means, namely, by road, rail, air, river or sea, without prejudice to the exceptions provided for in the Decree;

    • the reestablishment of control of people at the land borders, in the terms provided in the Decree;

  • Possibility of suspension of flights and determination of the mandatory confinement of passengers upon arrival, when the epidemiological situation justifies it;
  • Hire doctors and nurses trained abroad
    • Possibility that health establishments can, "exceptionally", hire "up to the limit of one year" of doctors and nurses trained in a foreign higher education institution.
  • Overtime payment to healthcare professionals
    • Approved temporary regime that pays overtime in health with an additional 50%. An increase in the hours for nurses and operational assistants is also foreseen until 42 hours with a 37% increase in salary. The Government also opens the possibility of strengthening the contracts.

The current period of the state of emergency ends at 11:59 p.m. on Saturday, January 30. This renewal is effective from 00:00 hours on January 31 to 23:59 hours on February 14.
