New social support, tuition fees, more free child care, and even a scratch card. What the OE2021 proposes


Rodrigo Antunes / Lusa

New expanded social support for domestic and self-employed workers, free daycare for all second-level children and a reduction in the minimum enrollment in Higher Education are some of the measures proposed by the Government in the preliminary version of the State Budgets for 2021.

The document, which has to enter Parliament this Monday, was approved this Sunday in the Council of Ministers. Once the Government delivers OE2021 to Parliament on October 12, it will generally be voted on six days later, on October 18.

The final global vote is scheduled to November 27.

The national press, which had access to the preliminary version, advances this Monday some of the measures that are contemplated in the document.

New social support arrives domestic and independent

OE2021 contemplates the creation of a new social support, called “Extraordinary Support for Workers’ Income”, aimed not only at employees, but also at domestic and self-employed workers, said the Observer.

The value of the support, which will be subject to the condition of resources and the household in question, has a reference value of 501.16 euros, but the average family income will be taken into account to define the final value of the support. In the case of the self-employed, the support will be equivalent to the fall in the average income of the last quarterly statement.

The support will have a minimum amount of 50 euros. However, when the loss of income of the self-employed is greater than one IAS (438.81 euros), the minimum amount of the aid changes to half IAS, that is, 219 euros.

The measure should cover 170,000 people, as Luís Marques Mendes said in his usual SIC comment space this Sunday.

Free daycare for everyone on the second level

According to Public, the document provides for the extension of day care centers free public and social network when thefamily dressing it is integrated up to the second level of the IRS.

This measure should cover more than 15 thousand children and will have an impact of another 11 billion euros, according to Rádio Renascença.

As in previous years, this was a claim from the PCP.

Reduction of minimum enrollment in Higher Education

OE2021 also proposes a decrease in the value of the minimum fee in public higher education, from 825 to 495 euros, a reduction of 330 euros.

The document does not present any justification for the decline, which is part of the demands of the Left Bloc. The party coordinated by Catarina Martins pointed out, even before the legislative elections last October, that destined to end with enrollment in public higher education by 2023.

Still in the field of Higher Education, as of next year, according to the document, educational institutions will be able to hire professors and researchers, “regardless of the type of legal bond established, up to a limit of 5% of the amount of expenses of personnel paid in 2020 ”.

According to the document, during the current school year, the minimum value will apply to all higher education conferences. However, most institutions choose charge an amount above the minimum settled down.

Additional pension increase comes in August

The OE also predicts an increase in the lowest pensions between six and ten euros, this amount reaches the pocket of pensioners in August next year.

The António Costa government had already publicly stated, in early October and through his State of Parliamentary Affairs, Duarte Cordeiro, the availability to increase pensions and the national minimum wage (SMN).

The increase in SMN and pensions part of the complaints book of the old partners of “gadgets”, Left block me PCP.

This is the fourth year in which lower-value pensions have increased dramatically and aims to compensate pensioners with lower-value pensions that have not had updates on the reforms between 2011 and 2015.

Risk allocation for healthcare professionals

As had already been announced this Saturday, health professionals who are at the forefront in the fight against the covid-19 pandemic will be entitled to a risk subsidy that can reach a maximum of 219 euros per month.

It will be paid bimonthly, up to 12 months a year, as long as the pandemic situation persists “in case of emergency, calamity or contingency”.

Minimum increase in unemployment benefit

The Government also provides, as recorded in OE2021, an increase in the minimum amount of unemployment benefit of about 70 euros, an amount that will raise this social benefit to 505 euros for those who deduct for the national minimum wage.

According to the Observer, this measure is also part of the demands of the PCP and the Bloco de Esquerda that still wanted more: they proposed that the minimum unemployment benefit equivalent to the national minimum wage, but the Government ended up closing the door to that possibility.

With the increase of 70 euros, the benefit is not below the poverty line (502 euros).

Public service with performance bonus

OE2021 does not foresee increases for the Civil Service, but it does contemplate the payment of 100% of the bonuses for performance of these workers.

In 2020, these premiums were paid in full.

“In 2021, performance bonuses up to the legally established amount and the equivalent of up to a basic monthly payment initial allocation approved for that purpose “, you can read in the document.

After being frozen in 2018, these premiums were paid at 50% in 2019 and 100% in 2020.

According to the OE, Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Lisboa will launch, next year, a new instant lottery game, the revenues of which will reinforce the financing of culture.

It is a scratch card with the name “Lotaria do Património”, details the RR.

The lottery will be reverted to the Cultural Heritage Safeguarding Fund, “earmarked for expenses to safeguard and improve cultural heritage interventions.”
