New restrictive measures: 12 questions to understand what changes from this Wednesday


Objective number one was underlined once again by António Costa: “We must avoid avoiding gatherings at all costs.” To guarantee this, the Prime Minister presented this Saturday a set of new restrictions, effective as of November 4. Knowing now that, due to the evolution of the pandemic in the country, Costa went one step further, by asking the President of the Republic to again decree the state of emergency. A “lighter” version, and with a “preventive nature”, as he explained, in order to eliminate some doubts from the legal point of view, so that, if necessary, more drastic measures can be taken.

Between what changes and what is on the table are the essential questions.

After all, what changes in the country from November 4?

The situation of calamity was renewed until November 15 for the entire national territory, with the novelty of dividing the country by risk areas. 121 counties will be subject to special measures. In any of these counties there is a “civic duty of home collection.”

Will you have to stay home?

In higher risk areas, you should only go outside for essential reasons, such as going to school or work, shopping, going to the doctor, exercising, walking animals, or helping someone. If it is not imperative, it is to stay home.

What is the criterion of greater restrictions in a municipality and how can you know if the one who lives (or works) is covered?

Circulation restrictions are imposed in municipalities with more than 240 infected with the new coronavirus per 100,000 inhabitants in the last 14 days, a criterion that will serve as the basis for updating the list of municipalities every 15 days. The measures will be particularly relevant in the metropolitan areas of Lisbon and Porto, where there are several “high risk” counties. In the national total, 121 municipalities (70% of the resident population) will be covered for now.

The list can be consulted HERE

Will you have to switch to telecommuting?

The government statement determines, for the municipalities served, “the mandatory adoption of the teleworking regime, regardless of the employment relationship, provided that the functions in question allow it, unless the worker is disabled.” Given the impossibility of adopting teleworking, companies will have to delay the schedules of their employees.

Can you go out to dinner with friends?

In any part of the country, at a restaurant table, only a maximum of six people can sit, unless there are people who belong to the same household.

Will business hours change?

The rule is that retail establishments close until 10pm (except pharmacies, offices, funeral homes and service stations). In the case of restaurants, the limit is 10:30 p.m., a time that does not apply to take out spaces. The Government now grants the mayors of the municipalities the prerogative to set a lower limit than that time, “subject to the favorable opinion of the local health authority and the security forces.”

Can’t the annual fair take place in your region in 2020?

In this sense, the Government has backed down. Initially, temporary fairs and markets could not be held, but the decision has already passed to the authorities, who will be able to authorize them if the safety conditions and compliance with the regulations of the General Directorate of Health (DGS) are verified.

Can religious celebrations be held?

Yes. Even if celebrations involving crowds of more than five people are suspended, religious ceremonies, such as Masses, will continue to be held, as long as all the health standards defined by the DGS are respected.

Can you go to the theater?

Yes, the cultural shows are not suspended. As in other areas, they must comply with health safety standards.

Will the curfew be in force in the country?

For this to happen, a state of emergency must be decreed. That is what António Costa asked the President of the Republic, but in terms that he believes are different from what happened during the first wave. The Prime Minister affirmed that it is a “preventive” state of emergency, designed to clear up some doubts from a legal point of view, which will justify limitations on freedom of movement, the measurement of temperatures in workplaces and other public places. . , in addition to allowing the possible strengthening of health establishments with the requisition of the private and social sector, or giving a framework to the need to request the Armed Forces or other public professionals for tracking equipment.

Will the SNS24 line be able to authorize quarantines?

Yes. António Costa announced that, in order to facilitate the justification of sick leave related to covid-19, avoid resorting to health centers or medical units in places of residence and expedite payment for Social Security, the line SNS24 will provide on its platform the direct issuance of prophylactic isolation statements

Can home visits be made?

At the press conference to present the new measures, António Costa clarified that visits to domestic users will be allowed even in municipalities considered at risk, having to respect the limited conditions already in force.
