New “layoff”: companies with 75% losses and workers with 88% of salary | COVID-19


Only companies that register turnover losses greater than 75% will be able to benefit from the support of the Government in terms of the total reduction of the working day, said this Wednesday the Minister of Labor, Ana Mendes Godinho.

The governor spoke with journalists before entering the meeting of the Permanent Commission for Social Coordination (CPCS), which has the situation derived from covid-19 and the Recovery and Resilience Plan on the agenda.

“The objective is to support employment and support the maintenance of jobs in companies that currently have more difficulties to resume activity, with a greater drop in turnover, that is, those that have a drop in activity above the 75% ”, said Ana Mendes Godinho.

For the Minister of Labor, the intention of the measure is thus “to support companies with significant income losses and that are not able to recover with the great objective of maintaining employment, supporting training and guaranteeing the income of workers.”

The minister declined to give more details before they were discussed with the partners, but the general secretary of UGT, Carlos Silva, told reporters, also before entering the meeting, that the government’s intention is for the workers to keep a salary. “Not less than 88% of salary, and the contribution will be exactly the same.”

“We are more relaxed, but there are other issues that we must safeguard and that we will analyze in the social consultation, that is, how long can this situation be maintained for workers and companies,” he said.

The general secretary of the CGTP, Isabel Camarinha, in turn, told journalists that this measure should be extended to small and medium-sized companies (SMEs), safeguarding the coverage of all sectors, and considered that salaries should be paid. to 100%.

On Monday, the Minister of Economy, Pedro Siza Vieira, announced that support for progressive recovery will be made more flexible so that companies with significant losses can maintain the regime of total reduction of work capacity.

What is at stake is the flexibility of the support measure that came to replace leave simplified and that, unlike this, does not allow companies to suspend the employment contract, but only the reduction of hours due to the interruption of the activity.

THE leave Simplified was replaced in August by the measure to support progressive recovery and by the extraordinary financial incentive to normalize business activity (which includes support equivalent to two minimum wages per worker paid in six months or a minimum wage paid at once).

This Wednesday, in addition to the Minister of Labor, Solidarity and Social Security, Ana Mendes Godinho, and the Minister of State, Economy and Digital Transition, Pedro Siza Vieira, the meeting will be attended by the Minister of Planning, Nelson de Souza, also with two members from each union confederation and one member from each employers confederation.
