New feedlot anticipated for Thursday


More than two hundred people have gathered today in Lisbon against the presence in Portugal of the leader of the French National Union, Marine Le Pen, and in defense of the fight against fascism and racism.

João Jorge’s poster said only “Fratelli Tutti” (“All the brothers”). The 28-year-old Catholic does not belong to any of the many organizations involved in today’s protest against the “anti-fascist reception at Marine Le Pen.” He told Lusa that today was the first time that he participated in a demonstration, because now “democracy is in danger.”

João was one of the more than 200 participants in the protest called by the United Antifascist Network (RUA), which brought together anti-fascist, anti-racist, labor, environmental, feminist and LGBTQIA + rights organizations.

Photo: Social networks

The rally against the presence of the leader of the French National Union, Marine Le Pen, in Lisbon, for the launch of the electoral campaign of Chega’s presidential candidate, André Ventura, began at 11:00 in Largo Camões.

“The collapse of civilizational progress that is democracy, which has its flaws, but is the culmination of civilization, is in danger,” warned João Jorge, who participated in the demonstration with his wife, Cátia Tuna, who also debuted today . in street protests.

Ventura’s campaign starts under protests and insults in Alentejo

“There are half a dozen opportunists who can question the good it took to build so many lives. We don’t have anything better than this. These gentlemen are opportunists and it is a shame, ”he warned in reference to André Ventura and supporters of the Chega party.

The young man admitted feeling “ashamed of being a Christian” because in Portugal there are “currents of Christianity that are contrary to the gospel itself and that defend exactly the opposite.”

Photo: Social networks

Recalling the message of Pope Francis that calls for love to overcome “the barriers of geography and space”, João Jorge chose the simplicity of the title of the Pope’s Encyclical – “Fratelli Tutti” – for his poster.

Cátia Tuna added that “Ventura and Le Pen are ruining what it took to build, which is democracy and freedom.”

“The reason that brings us here is twofold: because we are Christians, and because we are against authoritarianism and nationalism,” he explained.

In other words, Danilo Moreira, from Unifascist Unity Network, corroborated the couple’s idea: “We were outraged by Le Pen’s presence and we can’t keep quiet.”

“We believe that the hate speech perpetuated by André Ventura and by Le Pen’s own party is unacceptable,” added Danilo Moreira, speaking with Lusa, recalling that “everyone’s human rights are at home.”

Photo: Social networks

Labor rights are also at risk, he added, recalling that “whoever has accompanied the extreme right-wing groups sees that they are trying to eradicate all the rights of workers.”

Throughout the morning slogans were heard and songs were sung in which it was stated that “the country will not remain silent in the face of the parade of intolerance.”

The protesters pledged to continue fighting for a “society free of racism and xenophobia, intolerance, discrimination, sexism, homophobia and inequality.”

In the fight and warning against the normalization of the extreme right in Portugal held today in Largo Camões in Lisbon, several protesters recalled the recent agreement, in the Azores, between Chega and PSD.

The protest was peaceful and tried to respect health and safety regulations due to the covid-19 pandemic. The use of a mask was widespread, but physical distance was not always met.

In the manifesto drawn up for today’s protest, André Ventura’s phrase in statements to the Newspaper: “It will be a great pride to have Marine Le Pen by my side in Lisbon”.

The protesters recalled statements by the leader of the National Front, “the face of the French extreme right” and a party whose “common practice” is to attack immigrants, refugees and people of various races.

Photo: Social networks

During the protest, the 2015 attack by Le Pen’s party on a Portuguese club in the southeast of Paris was also recalled, with phrases such as “Death to the Portuguese. Long live the FN ”.

Protestants also criticized Chega for using the presidential campaign “to further his fascist ideals.”

“To prevent the normalization of populist and fascist discourses that take advantage of inequalities and prejudices to deceive thousands of people, turning workers against workers”, was another of the reasons for the protest, where the phrase most heard was “The fascism never again. Not pass “.

Meanwhile, the Chega district in Lisbon announced that tonight’s dinner / rally was canceled after the advice of Marine Le Pen.

Today the electoral campaign for the Presidency of the Republic began and the elections will be held on January 24.
