New covid-19 cases increase more than 50% in eight northern counties


The number of new cases of contagion in the North increased by more than 50% in eight counties in the region, six of which in the Vila Real district and two in Bragança, according to the report of the North Regional Health Administration.

The document, to which Lusa had access, reports the epidemiological evolution in the provinces of the North region between the second (from 8 to 14) and the fourth week (from 22 to 28) of this month.

According to the report, between the third and fourth week of November, eight counties in the northern region registered a growth of more than 50% in new cases of infection by the new coronavirus, which causes covid-19.

Six of the eight regions that registered this trend are located in the Vila Real district, the only district covered by the ARS-N that represents a 22% growth in the number of new cases, namely: Boticas, Chaves, Mondim de Basto , Peso da Régua, Ribeira de Pena and Vila Pouca de Aguiar.

Of these municipalities, Mondim de Basto stands out with a growth of 137% in new cases, going from 41 in the third week of this month to 97 new cases of contagion in the fourth week.

In the district of Bragança, which represents a 27% decrease in the number of new cases, the only municipalities that accompanied this increase were Alfandega da Fé and Mogadouro, with 50% and 55% of new cases, respectively.

The report also reveals that Freixo de Espada à Cinta is the municipality with the highest incidence, followed by Guimarães, Chaves, Póvoa de Lanhoso, Trofa, Vila Nova de Famalicão, Fafe and Mondim de Basto.

In these eight municipalities, the incidence is higher than 1,900 new cases per 100,000 inhabitants every 14 days, and the average for the Northern region is 1,274.5 cases.

Despite this, the ARS-N report maps on growth and growth variation in the North reflect a greater number of municipalities in blue, that is, municipalities that reported a decrease in the number of new cases.

Of the six districts covered by the ARS-N, five followed this trend, namely Aveiro with a decrease of 21%, Braga with 20%, Bragança with 27%, Porto with 24% and Viana do Castelo with a decrease. 9%.

The report also indicates that 23 counties in the region registered a decrease of more than 30% in new cases of infection and 28 counties a decrease of around 30% and 10%.
