New coronavirus was accidentally made in Chinese lab, says HIV discoverer


New coronavirus was accidentally made in Chinese lab, says HIV discoverer

Professors Luc Montagnier, Jean-Claude Chermann and Françoise Barre-Sinoussi, in their laboratory at the Pasteur Institute in Paris, on April 25, 1984 – AFP / Archives


Contrary to what authorities said, the new coronavirus was artificially manufactured in a Chinese laboratory, probably in the second half of 2019, says Luc Montagnier, 2008 Nobel Prize in Medicine.

The French scientist says that “the high security laboratory in Wuhan city has specialized in this type of virus, the coronavirus, since the early 2000s. They have experience in this. This made me look closely at the RNA sequence of the virus. I did this analysis, like the mathematician Jean-Claude Pérez, a specialist in biomathematics ”.

Analyzing the details of the sequence, a group of Indian researchers published an investigation with the complete gene for this coronavirus, which showed that it included sequences from another virus.

“That was a surprise to me, because it was exactly HIV.” He denies that it can be a mutation in any AIDS patient. He claims that it was necessarily made in the laboratory from another virus.

“The story that came from a fish market is a legend.” Montagnier speculated that the Chinese were developing an AIDS vaccine and used a coronavirus to do so. The coronavirus that caused Covid-19 would have been accidentally developed and spread.

He made this statement to the radio Frequénce Médicale. The matter is becoming more serious because Chinese authorities have restricted the spread of research into the origin of the virus, raising questions among scientists.

“The Iranians acknowledged that they had shot down an airplane by mistake. The Chinese should also acknowledge the mistake, for the sake of science. “In recent days, the Vice President of the United States, Mike Pompeo, said that there were many doubts about the origin of the coronavirus. French President, Emmanuel Macron, also expressed doubts in an interview with the newspaper “Financial Times”.

The US embassy in Beijing reportedly warned a few weeks ago of the need for greater control over the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV), the center responsible for the virus. It has a high security laboratory, built with the help of France, called “P4”.

There is information that the team that would be in charge of producing the new coronavirus would be multinational, including US funds. The new coronavirus would have been produced from a virus cocktail that includes HIV and the coronavirus present in bats, a specialty of WIV.

The thesis is causing controversy among French laboratories, and has already been questioned by scientists from the Pasteur Institute and the National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS). For Montagnier, because it is artificial, the new coronavirus tends to be removed by nature over time. On the east coast of the United States, studies have already shown that it is attenuated. “But there will be many deaths even,” says the Frenchman.
