New cases increase, the number of people hospitalized decreases. Portugal registers 6087 new infections and 73 deaths | Coronavirus


The number of new cases of infection by the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, which causes the covid-19 disease, has increased again. The figures released this Saturday by the General Directorate of Health (DGS) show that 6,087 new cases of contagion were registered during the last day.

The epidemiological bulletin released this Saturday indicates that 73 people died of covid-19 on the last day. The deaths occurred in the regions with the most infected population, namely the northern region (43 deaths) and Lisbon and Vale do Tejo (20 deaths).

After a start to the week with less than four thousand new cases per day, on Thursday the number of new infections had increased (4935 new cases) and Friday’s data confirm the trend, with a higher number of cases registered in the North region, which concentrates three thousand new infected (49.3%), followed by the region of Lisbon and Vale do Tejo, which registered 1980 new diagnoses (32.5%).

On Friday, eight people died from the disease in the Central region, which accounted for 866 new cases (14.2% of the total registered on Friday in the country); one person died in Alentejo, where 106 new infections were recorded, and another person died in the Algarve, where 88 new cases were recorded. In the archipelagos of Madeira and the Azores, there were no deaths to record, but new diagnoses continue to emerge: 20 new cases in Madeira, 27 in the Azores.

The number of people hospitalized slightly decreased, to 3,229 people (66 less than the previous day), as well as the number of hospitalizations in intensive care units (ICU), which currently treat 517 people in serious condition (less 9 patients)) .

On Friday, it was reported that 6,165 people had recovered, an increase from the figures for the rest of the week, which explains the decrease in the total number of active cases, which currently stands at 73,561. In total, 240,203 people have already recovered from the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus infection in Portugal.
